1    // Copyright 2002 Adam Megacz, see the COPYING file for licensing [GPL]
2    package org.xwt;
4    import java.net.*;
5    import java.io.*;
6    import java.util.*;
7    import org.xwt.js.*;
8    import org.xwt.util.*;
9    import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;
11   /** encapsulates most of the proxy logic; some is shared in HTTP.java */
12   public class Proxy {
14       public Proxy() { }
16       /** the HTTP Proxy host to use */
17       public String httpProxyHost = null;
19       /** the HTTP Proxy port to use */
20       public int httpProxyPort = -1;
22       /** if a seperate proxy should be used for HTTPS, this is the hostname; otherwise, httpProxyHost is used */
23       public String httpsProxyHost = null;
25       /** if a seperate proxy should be used for HTTPS, this is the port */
26       public int httpsProxyPort = -1;
28       /** the SOCKS Proxy Host to use */
29       public String socksProxyHost = null;
31       /** the SOCKS Proxy Port to use */
32       public int socksProxyPort = -1;
34       /** hosts to be excluded from proxy use; wildcards permitted */
35       public String[] excluded = null;
37       /** the PAC script */
38       public JS.Callable proxyAutoConfigFunction = null;
40       public static Proxy detectProxyViaManual() {
41           Proxy ret = new Proxy();
43           ret.httpProxyHost = Platform.getEnv("http_proxy");
44           if (ret.httpProxyHost != null) {
45               if (ret.httpProxyHost.startsWith("http://")) ret.httpProxyHost = ret.httpProxyHost.substring(7);
46               if (ret.httpProxyHost.endsWith("/")) ret.httpProxyHost = ret.httpProxyHost.substring(0, ret.httpProxyHost.length() - 1);
47               if (ret.httpProxyHost.indexOf(':') != -1) {
48                   ret.httpProxyPort = Integer.parseInt(ret.httpProxyHost.substring(ret.httpProxyHost.indexOf(':') + 1));
49                   ret.httpProxyHost = ret.httpProxyHost.substring(0, ret.httpProxyHost.indexOf(':'));
50               } else {
51                   ret.httpProxyPort = 80;
52               }
53           }
55           ret.httpsProxyHost = Platform.getEnv("https_proxy");
56           if (ret.httpsProxyHost != null) {
57               if (ret.httpsProxyHost.startsWith("https://")) ret.httpsProxyHost = ret.httpsProxyHost.substring(7);
58               if (ret.httpsProxyHost.endsWith("/")) ret.httpsProxyHost = ret.httpsProxyHost.substring(0, ret.httpsProxyHost.length() - 1);
59               if (ret.httpsProxyHost.indexOf(':') != -1) {
60                   ret.httpsProxyPort = Integer.parseInt(ret.httpsProxyHost.substring(ret.httpsProxyHost.indexOf(':') + 1));
61                   ret.httpsProxyHost = ret.httpsProxyHost.substring(0, ret.httpsProxyHost.indexOf(':'));
62               } else {
63                   ret.httpsProxyPort = 80;
64               }
65           }
67           ret.socksProxyHost = Platform.getEnv("socks_proxy");
68           if (ret.socksProxyHost != null) {
69               if (ret.socksProxyHost.startsWith("socks://")) ret.socksProxyHost = ret.socksProxyHost.substring(7);
70               if (ret.socksProxyHost.endsWith("/")) ret.socksProxyHost = ret.socksProxyHost.substring(0, ret.socksProxyHost.length() - 1);
71               if (ret.socksProxyHost.indexOf(':') != -1) {
72                   ret.socksProxyPort = Integer.parseInt(ret.socksProxyHost.substring(ret.socksProxyHost.indexOf(':') + 1));
73                   ret.socksProxyHost = ret.socksProxyHost.substring(0, ret.socksProxyHost.indexOf(':'));
74               } else {
75                   ret.socksProxyPort = 80;
76               }
77           }
79           String noproxy = Platform.getEnv("no_proxy");
80           if (noproxy != null) {
81               StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(noproxy, ",");
82               ret.excluded = new String[st.countTokens()];
83               for(int i=0; st.hasMoreTokens(); i++) ret.excluded[i] = st.nextToken();
84           }
86           if (ret.httpProxyHost == null && ret.socksProxyHost == null) return null;
87           return ret;
88       }
90       public static JS.Scope proxyAutoConfigRootScope = new ProxyAutoConfigRootScope();
91       public static JS.Callable getProxyAutoConfigFunction(String url) {
92           try { 
93               BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new HTTP(url, true).GET()));
94               String s = null;
95               String script = "";
96               while((s = br.readLine()) != null) script += s + "\n";
97               if (Log.on) Log.log(Proxy.class, "successfully retrieved WPAD PAC:");
98               if (Log.on) Log.log(Proxy.class, script);
100              // MS CARP hack
101              Vector carpHosts = new Vector();
102              for(int i=0; i<script.length(); i++)
103                  if (script.regionMatches(i, "new Node(", 0, 9)) {
104                      String host = script.substring(i + 10, script.indexOf('\"', i + 11));
105                      if (Log.on) Log.log(Proxy.class, "Detected MS Proxy Server CARP Script, Host=" + host);
106                      carpHosts.addElement(host);
107                  }
108              if (carpHosts.size() > 0) {
109                  script = "function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {\nreturn \"";
110                  for(int i=0; i<carpHosts.size(); i++)
111                      script += "PROXY " + carpHosts.elementAt(i) + "; ";
112                  script += "\";\n}";
113                  if (Log.on) Log.log(Proxy.class, "DeCARPed PAC script:");
114                  if (Log.on) Log.log(Proxy.class, script);
115              }
117              JS.CompiledFunction scr = JS.parse("PAC script at " + url, 0, new StringReader(script));
118              scr.call(new JS.Array(), proxyAutoConfigRootScope);
119              return (JS.Callable)proxyAutoConfigRootScope.get("FindProxyForURL");
120          } catch (Exception e) {
121              if (Log.on) {
122                  Log.log(Platform.class, "WPAD detection failed due to:");
123                  if (e instanceof JS.Exn) {
124                      try {
125                          org.xwt.js.JS.Array arr = new org.xwt.js.JS.Array();
126                          arr.addElement(((JS.Exn)e).getObject());
127                          // FIXME
128                          //XWT.recursivePrintObject.call();
129                      } catch (Exception e2) {
130                          Log.log(Platform.class, e);
131                      }
132                  }
133                  else Log.log(Platform.class, e);
134              }
135              return null;
136          }
137      }
140      // Authorization ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
142      public static class Authorization {
144          static public String authorization = null;
145          static public String authorization2 = null;
146          static public Semaphore waitingForUser = new Semaphore();
148          public static synchronized void getPassword(final String realm, final String style, final String proxyIP, String oldAuth) {
150              // this handles cases where multiple threads hit the proxy auth at the same time -- all but one will block on the
151              // synchronized keyword. If 'authorization' changed while the thread was blocked, it means that the user entered
152              // a password, so we should reattempt authorization.
154              if (authorization != oldAuth) return;
155              if (Log.on) Log.log(Authorization.class, "displaying proxy authorization dialog");
156              MessageQueue.add(new Message() {
157                      public void perform() {
158                          Box b = new Box();
159                          Template.getTemplate("org.xwt.builtin.proxy_authorization", null).apply(b, null, null, null, 0, 0);
160                          b.put("realm", realm);
161                          b.put("proxyIP", proxyIP);
162                      }
163                  });
165              waitingForUser.block();
166              if (Log.on) Log.log(Authorization.class, "got proxy authorization info; re-attempting connection");
168          }
169      }
172      // ProxyAutoConfigRootScope ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
174      public static class ProxyAutoConfigRootScope extends JS.Scope {
176          public ProxyAutoConfigRootScope() { super(null); }
178          // FIXME: needs "standard objects"
180          public Object get(Object name) {
181              if (name.equals("isPlainHostName")) return isPlainHostName;
182              else if (name.equals("dnsDomainIs")) return dnsDomainIs;
183              else if (name.equals("localHostOrDomainIs")) return localHostOrDomainIs;
184              else if (name.equals("isResolvable")) return isResolvable;
185              else if (name.equals("isInNet")) return isInNet;
186              else if (name.equals("dnsResolve")) return dnsResolve;
187              else if (name.equals("myIpAddress")) return myIpAddress;
188              else if (name.equals("dnsDomainLevels")) return dnsDomainLevels;
189              else if (name.equals("shExpMatch")) return shExpMatch;
190              else if (name.equals("weekdayRange")) return weekdayRange;
191              else if (name.equals("dateRange")) return dateRange;
192              else if (name.equals("timeRange")) return timeRange;
193              else if (name.equals("ProxyConfig")) return ProxyConfig;
194              else return super.get(name);
195          }
197          private static final JS.Obj proxyConfigBindings = new JS.Obj();
198          private static final JS.Obj ProxyConfig = new JS.Obj() {
199                  public Object get(Object name) {
200                      if (name.equals("bindings")) return proxyConfigBindings;
201                      return null;
202                  }
203              };
205          private static final JS.Callable isPlainHostName = new JS.Callable() {
206                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
207                      return (args.elementAt(0).toString().indexOf('.') == -1) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
208                  }
209              };
211          private static final JS.Callable dnsDomainIs = new JS.Callable() {
212                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
213                      return (args.elementAt(0).toString().endsWith(args.elementAt(1).toString())) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
214                  }
215              };
217          private static final JS.Callable localHostOrDomainIs = new JS.Callable() {
218                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
219                      return (args.elementAt(0).toString().equals(args.elementAt(1).toString()) || 
220                              (args.elementAt(0).toString().indexOf('.') == -1 && args.elementAt(1).toString().startsWith(args.elementAt(0).toString()))) ?
221                          Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
222                  }
223              };
225          private static final JS.Callable isResolvable = new JS.Callable() {
226                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
227                      try {
228                          return (InetAddress.getByName(args.elementAt(0).toString()) != null) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
229                      } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
230                          return Boolean.FALSE;
231                      }
232                  }
233              };
235          private static final JS.Callable isInNet = new JS.Callable() {
236                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
237                      if (args.length() != 3) return Boolean.FALSE;
238                      try {
239                          byte[] host = InetAddress.getByName(args.elementAt(0).toString()).getAddress();
240                          byte[] net = InetAddress.getByName(args.elementAt(1).toString()).getAddress();
241                          byte[] mask = InetAddress.getByName(args.elementAt(2).toString()).getAddress();
242                          return ((host[0] & mask[0]) == net[0] &&
243                                  (host[1] & mask[1]) == net[1] &&
244                                  (host[2] & mask[2]) == net[2] &&
245                                  (host[3] & mask[3]) == net[3]) ?
246                              Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
247                      } catch (Exception e) {
248                          throw new JS.Exn("exception in isInNet(): " + e);
249                      }
250                  }
251              };
253          private static final JS.Callable dnsResolve = new JS.Callable() {
254                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
255                      try {
256                          return InetAddress.getByName(args.elementAt(0).toString()).getHostAddress();
257                      } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
258                          return null;
259                      }
260                  }
261              };
263          private static final JS.Callable myIpAddress = new JS.Callable() {
264                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
265                      try {
266                          return InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
267                      } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
268                          if (Log.on) Log.log(this, "strange... host does not know its own address");
269                          return null;
270                      }
271                  }
272              };
274          private static final JS.Callable dnsDomainLevels = new JS.Callable() {
275                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
276                      String s = args.elementAt(0).toString();
277                      int i = 0;
278                      while((i = s.indexOf('.', i)) != -1) i++;
279                      return new Integer(i);
280                  }
281              };
283          private static boolean match(String[] arr, String s, int index) {
284              if (index >= arr.length) return true;
285              for(int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
286                  String s2 = s.substring(i);
287                  if (s2.startsWith(arr[index]) && match(arr, s2.substring(arr[index].length()), index + 1)) return true;
288              }
289              return false;
290          }
292          private static final JS.Callable shExpMatch = new JS.Callable() {
293                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
294                      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(args.elementAt(1).toString(), "*", false);
295                      String[] arr = new String[st.countTokens()];
296                      String s = args.elementAt(0).toString();
297                      for (int i=0; st.hasMoreTokens(); i++) arr[i] = st.nextToken();
298                      return match(arr, s, 0) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
299                  }
300              };
302          public static String[] days = { "SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT" };
304          private static final JS.Callable weekdayRange = new JS.Callable() {
305                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
306                      TimeZone tz = (args.length() < 3 || args.elementAt(2) == null || !args.elementAt(2).equals("GMT")) ? TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC") : TimeZone.getDefault();
307                      Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
308                      c.setTimeZone(tz);
309                      c.setTime(new java.util.Date());
310                      java.util.Date d = c.getTime();
311                      int day = d.getDay();
313                      String d1s = args.elementAt(0).toString().toUpperCase();
314                      intint = 0, d2 = 0;
315                      for(int i=0; i<days.length; i++) if (days[i].equals(d1s)) d1 = i;
317                      if (args.length() == 1)
318                          return d1 == day ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
320                      String d2s = args.elementAt(1).toString().toUpperCase();
321                      for(int i=0; i<days.length; i++) if (days[i].equals(d2s)) d2 = i;
323                      return
324                          ((d1 <= d2 && day >= d1 && day <= d2) ||
325                           (d1 > d2 && (day >= d1 || day <= d2))) ?
326                          Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
327                  }
328              };
330          private static final JS.Callable dateRange = new JS.Callable() {
331                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
332                      throw new JS.Exn("XWT does not support dateRange() in PAC scripts");
333                  }
334              };
336          private static final JS.Callable timeRange = new JS.Callable() {
337                  public Object call(org.xwt.js.JS.Array args) throws JS.Exn {
338                      throw new JS.Exn("XWT does not support timeRange() in PAC scripts");
339                  }
340              };
342      }
344  }