1    // Copyright 2004 Adam Megacz, see the COPYING file for licensing [GPL]
2    package org.xwt;
4    import java.io.*;
5    import java.net.*;
6    import java.util.*;
7    import org.xwt.js.*;
8    import org.xwt.util.*;
9    import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;
11   /**
12    *  A partial RPC-style SOAP 1.1 client. Implemented from the SOAP 1.1
13    *  Spec and Dave Winer's "SOAP for Busy Developers". This class
14    *  extends XMLRPC in order to share some networking logic.
15    *
16    *  Currently unsupported features/hacks:
17    *  <ul><li> Multi-ref data and circular references
18    *      <li> 'Document Style'
19    *      <li> WSDL support
20    *  </ul>
21    */
22   class SOAP extends XMLRPC {
24       /** the desired content of the SOAPAction header */
25       String action = null;
27       /** the namespace to use */
28       String nameSpace = null;
30       /** When you get a property from an SOAP, it just returns another SOAP with the property name tacked onto methodname. */
31       public Object get(String name) {
32           return new SOAP(url.toString(), (method.equals("") ? "" : method + ".") + name, http, action, nameSpace);
33       }
36       // Methods to Recieve and parse SOAP Responses ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
38       public void startElement(String name, String[] keys, Object[] vals, int line, int col) {
40           content.reset();
41           if (name.equals("SOAP-ENV:Envelope")) return;
42           if (name.equals("SOAP-ENV:Body")) return;
43           if (name.equals("SOAP-ENV:Fault")) fault = true;
45           // add a generic struct; we'll change this if our type is different
46           objects.addElement(new JS());
48           for(int i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
49               String key = keys[i];
50               String value = vals[i].toString();
51               if (key.endsWith("ype")) {
52                   if (value.endsWith("boolean")) {
53                       objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
54                       objects.addElement(Boolean.FALSE);
55                   } else if (value.endsWith("int")) {
56                       objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
57                       objects.addElement(new Integer(0));
58                   } else if (value.endsWith("double")) {
59                       objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
60                       objects.addElement(new Double(0.0));
61                   } else if (value.endsWith("string")) {
62                       objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
63                       objects.addElement("");
64                   } else if (value.endsWith("base64")) {
65                       objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
66                       objects.addElement(new byte[] { });
67                   } else if (value.endsWith("null")) {
68                       objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
69                       objects.addElement(null);
70                   } else if (value.endsWith("arrayType") || value.endsWith("JSArray") || key.endsWith("arrayType")) {
71                       objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
72                       objects.addElement(new JSArray());
73                   }
74               }
75           }
76       }
78       public void endElement(String name, int line, int col) {
80           if (name.equals("SOAP-ENV:Envelope")) return;
81           if (name.equals("SOAP-ENV:Body")) return;
83           if (content.size() > 0 && content.toString().trim().length() > 0) {
85               // remove ourselves
86               Object me = objects.elementAt(objects.size() - 1);
88               if (fault || me instanceof String) {
89                   objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
90                   objects.addElement(new String(content.getBuf(), 0, content.size()).intern());
91                   content.reset();
93               } else if (me instanceof byte[]) {
94                   objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
95                   objects.addElement(new Stream.ByteArray(Base64.decode(new String(content.getBuf(), 0, content.size())), null));
96                   content.reset();                
98               } else if (me instanceof Integer) {
99                   objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
100                  objects.addElement(new Integer(new String(content.getBuf(), 0, content.size())));
101                  content.reset();
103              } else if (me instanceof Boolean) {
104                  objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
105                  String s = new String(content.getBuf(), 0, content.size()).trim();
106                  if (s.equals("1") || s.equals("true")) objects.addElement(Boolean.TRUE);
107                  else objects.addElement(Boolean.FALSE);
108                  content.reset();
110              } else if (me instanceof Double) {
111                  objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
112                  objects.addElement(new Double(new String(content.getBuf(), 0, content.size())));
113                  content.reset();
115              } else {
116                  // okay, we got PCDATA for what is supposedly a
117                  // struct... somebody's not adding their type info...
118                  String s = new String(content.getBuf(), 0, content.size()).trim();
119                  boolean hasdot = false;
120                  for(int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
121                      if (s.charAt(i) == '.') hasdot = true;
122                      if (!Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))) {
123                          objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
124                          objects.addElement(s);
125                          return;
126                      }
127                  }
128                  if (hasdot) {
129                      objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
130                      objects.addElement(new Double(s));
131                  } else {
132                      objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
133                      objects.addElement(new Integer(s));
134                  }
135                  content.reset();
136              }
138          }
140          // remove ourselves
141          Object me = objects.elementAt(objects.size() - 1);
143          // find our parent
144          Object parent = objects.size() > 1 ? objects.elementAt(objects.size() - 2) : null;
146          // we want to fold stuff back into the fault object
147          if (objects.size() < 2) return;
149          // our parent "should" be an aggregate type -- add ourselves to it.
150          if (parent != null && parent instanceof JSArray) {
151              objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
152              ((JSArray)parent).addElement(me);
154          } else if (parent != null && parent instanceof JS) {
155              objects.removeElementAt(objects.size() - 1);
156              try {
157                  ((JS)parent).put(name, me);
158              } catch (JSExn e) {
159                  throw new Error("this should never happen");
160              }
162          }
164      }
166      /** Appends the SOAP representation of <code>o</code> to <code>sb</code> */
167      void appendObject(String name, Object o, StringBuffer sb) throws JSExn {
168          if (o instanceof Number) {
169              if ((double)((Number)o).intValue() == ((Number)o).doubleValue()) {
170                  sb.append("                <" + name + " xsi:type=\"xsd:int\">");
171                  sb.append(((Number)o).intValue());
172                  sb.append("</" + name + ">\r\n");
173              } else {
174                  sb.append("                <" + name + " xsi:type=\"xsd:double\">");
175                  sb.append(o);
176                  sb.append("</" + name + ">\r\n");
177              }
179          } else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
180              sb.append("                <" + name + " xsi:type=\"xsd:boolean\">");
181              sb.append(((Boolean)o).booleanValue() ? "true" : "false");
182              sb.append("</" + name + ">\r\n");
184          } else if (o instanceof Stream) {
185              try {
186                  sb.append("                <" + name + " xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:base64\">\r\n");
187                  InputStream is = ((Stream)o).getInputStream();
188                  byte[] buf = new byte[54];
189                  while(true) {
190                      int numread = is.read(buf, 0, 54);
191                      if (numread == -1) break;
192                      byte[] writebuf = buf;
193                      if (numread < buf.length) {
194                          writebuf = new byte[numread];
195                          System.arraycopy(buf, 0, writebuf, 0, numread);
196                      }
197                      sb.append("              ");
198                      sb.append(new String(Base64.encode(writebuf)));
199                      sb.append("\r\n");
200                  }
201                  sb.append(((Boolean)o).booleanValue() ? "1" : "0");
202                  sb.append("</" + name + ">\r\n");
203              } catch (IOException e) {
204                  if (Log.on) Log.info(this, "caught IOException while attempting to send a ByteStream via SOAP");
205                  if (Log.on) Log.info(this, e);
206                  throw new JSExn("caught IOException while attempting to send a ByteStream via SOAP");
207              }
209          } else if (o instanceof String) {
210              sb.append("                <" + name + " xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">");
211              String s = (String)o;
212              if (s.indexOf('<') == -1 && s.indexOf('&') == -1) {
213                  sb.append(s);
214              } else {
215                  char[] cbuf = s.toCharArray();
216                  while(true) {
217                      intintdi = 0, i=0;
218                      while(i < cbuf.length && cbuf[i] != '<' && cbuf[i] != '&') i++;
219                      sb.append(cbuf, oldi, i);
220                      if (i == cbuf.length) break;
221                      if (cbuf[i] == '<') sb.append("<");
222                      else if (cbuf[i] == '&') sb.append("&");
223                      i = oldi = i + 1;
224                  }
225              }
226              sb.append("</" + name + ">\r\n");
228          } else if (o instanceof JSArray) {
229              JSArray a = (JSArray)o;
230              sb.append("                <" + name + " SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"xsd:ur-type[" + a.length() + "]\">");
231              for(int i=0; i<a.length(); i++) appendObject("item", a.elementAt(i), sb);
232              sb.append("</" + name + ">\r\n");
234          } else if (o instanceof JS) {
235              JS j = (JS)o;
236              sb.append("                <" + name + ">");
237              Enumeration e = j.keys();
238              while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
239                  Object key = e.nextElement();
240                  appendObject((String)key, j.get(key), sb);
241              }
242              sb.append("</" + name + ">\r\n");
244          }
245      }
247      protected String buildRequest(JSArray args) throws JSExn, IOException {
248          // build up the request
249          StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
250          content.append("SOAPAction: " + action + "\r\n\r\n");
251          content.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n");
252          content.append("<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\"\r\n");
253          content.append("                   xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\"\r\n");
254          content.append("                   xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"\r\n");
255          content.append("                   xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema\"\r\n");
256          content.append("                   xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance\">\r\n");
257          content.append("<SOAP-ENV:Body>\r\n");
258          content.append("    <");
259          content.append(method);
260          content.append(nameSpace != null ? " xmlns=\"" + nameSpace + "\"" : "");
261          content.append(">\r\n");
262          if (args.length() > 0) {
263              Enumeration e = ((JS)args.elementAt(0)).keys();
264              while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
265                  Object key = e.nextElement();
266                  appendObject((String)key, ((JS)args.elementAt(0)).get(key), content);
267              }
268          }
269          content.append("    </" + method + "></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>\r\n");
270          return content.toString();
271      }
273      SOAP(String url, String methodname, String action, String nameSpace) {
274          this(url, methodname, new HTTP(url), action, nameSpace);
275      }
276      SOAP(String url, String methodname, HTTP http, String action, String nameSpace) {
277          super(url, methodname, http);
278          this.action = action;
279          this.nameSpace = nameSpace;
280      }
282  }