1    // Copyright 2003 Adam Megacz
2    // Author Brian Alliet
3    // Based on org.xwt.imp.MIPS by Adam Megacz
5    package org.xwt.imp;
7    import java.io.*;
9    public class MIPSInterpreter extends MIPSEmu {
11       // Registers
12       private int[] registers = new int[32];
13       private intinthilo
15       // Floating Point Registers
16       private int[] fpregs = new int[32];
18       // 24-31 - unused
19       // 23    - conditional bit
20       // 18-22 - unused
21       // 12-17 - cause bits (unimplemented)
22       // 7-11  - enables bits (unimplemented)
23       // 2-6   - flags (unimplemented)
24       // 0-1   - rounding mode (only implemented for fixed point conversions)
25       private int fcsr;
27       private int nextPC;
29       // The filename if the binary we're running
30       private String image;
32       // Register Operations
33       private final void setFC(boolean b) { fcsr = (fcsr&~0x800000) | (b ? 0x800000 : 0x000000); }
34       private final int roundingMode() { return fcsr & 3; /* bits 0-1 */ }
35       private final double getDouble(int r) {
36           return Double.longBitsToDouble(((fpregs[r+1]&0xffffffffL) << 32) | (fpregs[r]&0xffffffffL));
37       }
38       private final void setDouble(int r, double d) {
39           long l = Double.doubleToLongBits(d);
40           fpregs[r+1] = (int)(l >>> 32); fpregs[r] = (int)l;
41       }
42       private final float getFloat(int r) { return Float.intBitsToFloat(fpregs[r]); }
43       private final void setFloat(int r, float f) { fpregs[r] = Float.floatToRawIntBits(f); }
45       // Main run loop
46       public void execute() throws EmulationException {
47           int[] r = registers;
48           if(state == PAUSED) state = RUNNING;
49           if(state != RUNNING) throw new IllegalStateException("execute() called in inappropriate state");
50           runSome(nextPC);
51       }
53       // Main interpretor (also used for compilation)
54       // the return value is meaningless, its just to catch people typing "return" by accident
55       private int runSome(int pc) throws FaultException,EmulationException {
56           int[] r = registers;
57           int[] f = fpregs;
58           int nextPC = pc + 4;
59       try {
60       OUTER: for(;;) {
61           int insn;
62           try {
63               insn = readPages[pc>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(pc>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1];
64           } catch (RuntimeException e) {
65               insn = memRead(pc);
66           }
68           int op = (insn >>> 26) & 0xff;                 // bits 26-31
69           int rs = (insn >>> 21) & 0x1f;                 // bits 21-25
70           int rt = (insn >>> 16) & 0x1f;                 // bits 16-20 
71           int ft = (insn >>> 16) & 0x1f;
72           int rd = (insn >>> 11) & 0x1f;                 // bits 11-15
73           int fs = (insn >>> 11) & 0x1f;
74           int shamt = (insn >>> 6) & 0x1f;               // bits 6-10
75           int fd = (insn >>> 6) & 0x1f;
76           int subcode = insn & 0x3f;                     // bits 0-5  
78           int jumpTarget = (insn & 0x03ffffff);          // bits 0-25
79           int unsignedImmediate = insn & 0xffff;
80           int signedImmediate = (insn << 16) >> 16;
81           int branchTarget = signedImmediate;
83           intintp, addr; // temporaries
85           r[ZERO] = 0;
87           switch(op) {
88               case 0: {
89                   switch(subcode) {
90                       case 0: // SLL
91                           if(insn == 0) break;
92                           r[rd] = r[rt] << shamt;
93                           break;
94                       case 2: // SRL
95                           r[rd] = r[rt] >>> shamt;
96                           break;
97                       case 3: // SRA
98                           r[rd] = r[rt] >> shamt;
99                           break;
100                      // FIXME: Do we need % 32 on the r[rs] ?
101                      case 4: // SLLV
102                          r[rd] = r[rt] << r[rs];
103                          break;
104                      case 6: // SRLV
105                          r[rd] = r[rt] >>> r[rs];
106                          break;
107                      case 7: // SRAV
108                          r[rd] = r[rt] >> r[rs];
109                          break;
110                      case 8: // JR
111                          tmp = r[rs]; pc += 4; nextPC = tmp;
112                          continue OUTER;
113                      case 9: // JALR
114                          tmp = r[rs]; pc += 4; r[rd] = pc+4; nextPC = tmp;
115                          continue OUTER;
116                      case 12: // SYSCALL
117                          r[V0] = syscall(r[V0],r[A0],r[A1],r[A2],r[A3]);
118                          if(state != RUNNING) {
119                              this.nextPC = nextPC;
120                              break OUTER;
121                          }
122                          break;
123                      case 13: // BREAK
124                          throw new EmulationException("Break");
125                      case 16: // MFHI
126                          r[rd] = hi;
127                          break;
128                      case 17: // MTHI
129                          hi = r[rs];
130                          break;
131                      case 18: // MFLO
132                          r[rd] = lo;
133                          break;
134                      case 19: // MTLO
135                          lo = r[rs];
136                          break;
137                      case 24: { // MULT
138                          long hilo = (long)(r[rs]) * ((long)r[rt]);
139                          hi = (int) (hilo >>> 32);
140                          lo = (int) hilo;
141                          break;
142                      }
143                      case 25: { // MULTU
144                          long hilo = (r[rs] & 0xffffffffL) * (r[rt] & 0xffffffffL);
145                          hi = (int) (hilo >>> 32);
146                          lo = (int) hilo;
147                          break;
148                      }
149                      case 26: // DIV
150                          hi = r[rs]%r[rt];
151                          lo = r[rs]/r[rt];
152                          break;
153                      case 27: // DIVU
154                          hi = (int)((r[rs] & 0xffffffffL) % (r[rt] & 0xffffffffL));
155                          lo = (int)((r[rs] & 0xffffffffL) / (r[rt] & 0xffffffffL));
156                          break;
157                      case 32: // ADD
158                          r[rd] = r[rs] + r[rt]; // FIXME: Trap on overflow
159                          break;
160                      case 33: // ADDU
161                          r[rd] = r[rs] + r[rt];
162                          break;
163                      case 34: // SUB
164                          r[rd] = r[rs] - r[rt]; // FIXME: Trap on overflow
165                          break;
166                      case 35: // SUBU
167                          r[rd] = r[rs] - r[rt];
168                          break;
169                      case 36: // AND
170                          r[rd] = r[rs] & r[rt];
171                          break;
172                      case 37: // OR
173                          r[rd] = r[rs] | r[rt];
174                          break;
175                      case 38: // XOR
176                          r[rd] = r[rs] ^ r[rt];
177                          break;
178                      case 39: // NOR
179                          r[rd] = ~(r[rs] | r[rt]);
180                          break;
181                      case 42: // SLT
182                          r[rd] = r[rs] < r[rt] ? 1 : 0;
183                          break;
184                      case 43: // SLTU
185                          r[rd] = ((r[rs] & 0xffffffffL) < (r[rt] & 0xffffffffL)) ? 1 : 0;
186                          break;
187                      default:
188                          throw new EmulationException("Illegal instruction 0/" + subcode);
189                  }
190                  break;
191              }
192              case 1: {
193                  switch(rt) {
194                      case 0: // BLTZ
195                          if(r[rs] < 0) {
196                              pc += 4; tmp = pc + branchTarget*4; nextPC = tmp;                   
197                              continue OUTER;
198                          }
199                          break;
200                      case 1: // BGEZ
201                          if(r[rs] >= 0) {
202                              pc += 4; tmp = pc + branchTarget*4; nextPC = tmp;
203                              continue OUTER;
204                          }
205                          break;
206                      case 16: // BLTZAL
207                          if(r[rs] < 0) {
208                              pc += 4; r[RA] = pc+4; tmp = pc + branchTarget*4; nextPC = tmp;
209                              continue OUTER;
210                          }
211                          break;
212                      case 17: // BGEZAL
213                          if(r[rs] >= 0) {
214                              pc += 4; r[RA] = pc+4; tmp = pc + branchTarget*4; nextPC = tmp;  
215                              continue OUTER;
216                          }
217                          break;
218                      default:
219                          throw new EmulationException("Illegal Instruction");
220                  }
221                  break;
222              }
223              case 2: { // J
224                  tmp = (pc&0xf0000000) | (jumpTarget << 2);
225                  pc+=4; nextPC = tmp;
226                  continue OUTER;
227              }
228              case 3: { // JAL
229                  tmp = (pc&0xf0000000) | (jumpTarget << 2);
230                  pc+=4; r[RA] = pc+4; nextPC = tmp;
231                  continue OUTER;
232              }
233              case 4: // BEQ
234                  if(r[rs] == r[rt]) {
235                      pc += 4; tmp = pc + branchTarget*4; nextPC = tmp;
236                      continue OUTER;
237                  }
238                  break;
239              case 5: // BNE                
240                  if(r[rs] != r[rt]) {
241                      pc += 4; tmp = pc + branchTarget*4; nextPC = tmp; 
242                      continue OUTER;
243                  }
244                  break;
245              case 6: //BLEZ
246                  if(r[rs] <= 0) {
247                      pc += 4; tmp = pc + branchTarget*4; nextPC = tmp;
248                      continue OUTER;
249                  }
250                  break;
251              case 7: //BGTZ
252                  if(r[rs] > 0) {
253                      pc += 4; tmp = pc + branchTarget*4; nextPC = tmp;
254                      continue OUTER;
255                  }
256                  break;
257              case 8: // ADDI
258                  r[rt] = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
259                  break;
260              case 9: // ADDIU
261                  r[rt] = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
262                  break;
263              case 10: // SLTI
264                  r[rt] = r[rs] < signedImmediate ? 1 : 0;
265                  break;
266              case 11: // SLTIU
267                  r[rt] = (r[rs]&0xffffffffL) < (unsignedImmediate&0xffffffffL) ? 1 : 0;
268                  break;
269              case 12: // ANDI
270                  r[rt] = r[rs] & unsignedImmediate;
271                  break;
272              case 13: // ORI
273                  r[rt] = r[rs] | unsignedImmediate;
274                  break;
275              case 14: // XORI
276                  r[rt] = r[rs] ^ unsignedImmediate;
277                  break;
278              case 15: // LUI
279                  r[rt] = unsignedImmediate << 16;
280                  break;
281              case 16:
282                  throw new EmulationException("TLB/Exception support not implemented");
283              case 17: { // FPU
284                  boolean debug = false;
285                  String line = debug ? sourceLine(pc) : "";
286                  boolean debugon = debug && (line.indexOf("dtoa.c:51") >= 0 || line.indexOf("dtoa.c:52") >= 0 || line.indexOf("test.c") >= 0);
287                  if(rs > 8 && debugon)
288                      System.out.println("               FP Op: " + op + "/" + rs + "/" + subcode + " " + line);
289                  // FIXME: This could probably be removed. I don't think gcc will ever generate code that does this
290                  if(roundingMode() != 0 && rs != 6 /*CTC.1*/ && !((rs==16 || rs==17) && subcode == 36 /* CVT.W.Z */))
291                      throw new EmulationException("Non-cvt.w.z operation attempted with roundingMode != round to nearest");
292                  switch(rs) {
293                      case 0: // MFC.1
294                          r[rt] = f[rd];
295                          break;
296                      case 2: // CFC.1
297                          if(fs != 31) throw new EmulationException("FCR " + fs + " unavailable");
298                          r[rt] = fcsr;
299                          break;
300                      case 4: // MTC.1
301                          f[rd] = r[rt];
302                          break;
303                      case 6: // CTC.1
304                          if(fs != 31) throw new EmulationException("FCR " + fs + " unavailable");
305                          fcsr = r[rt];   
306                          break;
307                      case 8: // BC1F, BC1T
308                          if(((fcsr&0x800000)!=0) == (((insn>>>16)&1)!=0)) {
309                              pc += 4; tmp = pc + branchTarget*4; nextPC = tmp;
310                              continue OUTER;
311                          }
312                          break;
313                      case 16: {  // Single
314                          switch(subcode) {
315                              case 0: // ADD.S
316                                  setFloat(fd,getFloat(fs)+getFloat(ft));
317                                  break;
318                              case 1: // SUB.S
319                                  setFloat(fd,getFloat(fs)-getFloat(ft));
320                                  break;
321                              case 2: // MUL.S
322                                  setFloat(fd,getFloat(fs)*getFloat(ft));
323                                  break;
324                              case 3: // DIV.S
325                                  setFloat(fd,getFloat(fs)/getFloat(ft));
326                                  break;
327                              case 5: // ABS.S
328                                  setFloat(fd,Math.abs(getFloat(fs)));
329                                  break;
330                              case 6: // MOV.S
331                                  f[fd] = f[fs];
332                                  break;
333                              case 7: // NEG.S
334                                  setFloat(fd,-getFloat(fs)); // FIXME: just flip the sign bit
335                                  break;
336                              case 33: // CVT.D.S
337                                  setDouble(fd,getFloat(fs));
338                                  break;
339                              case 36: // CVT.W.S
340                                  switch(roundingMode()) {
341                                      case 0: f[fd] = (int)Math.floor(getFloat(fs)+0.5f); break; // Round to nearest
342                                      case 1: f[fd] = (int)getFloat(fs); break; // Round towards zero
343                                      case 2: f[fd] = (int)Math.ceil(getFloat(fs)); break; // Round towards plus infinity
344                                      case 3: f[fd] = (int)Math.floor(getFloat(fs)); break; // Round towards minus infinity
345                                  }
346                                  break;
347                              case -50: // C.EQ.S
348                                  setFC(getFloat(fs) == getFloat(ft)); // FIXME: just compare the ints, be sure things are normalized
349                                  break;
350                              case 60: // C.LT.S
351                                  setFC(getFloat(fs) < getFloat(ft));
352                                  break;
353                              default: throw new EmulationException("Invalid Instruction 17/" + rs + "/" + subcode + " at " + sourceLine(pc));
354                          }
355                          break;
356                      }
357                      case 17: { // Double
358                          switch(subcode) {
359                              case 0: // ADD.D
360                                  setDouble(fd,getDouble(fs)+getDouble(ft));
361                                  break;
362                              case 1: // SUB.D
363                                  if(debugon) System.out.println("f" + fd + " = f" + fs + " (" + getDouble(fs) + ") - f" + ft + " (" + getDouble(ft) + ")");
364                                  setDouble(fd,getDouble(fs)-getDouble(ft));
365                                  break;
366                              case 2: // MUL.D
367                                  if(debugon) System.out.println("f" + fd + " = f" + fs + " (" + getDouble(fs) + ") * f" + ft + " (" + getDouble(ft) + ")");
368                                  setDouble(fd,getDouble(fs)*getDouble(ft));
369                                  if(debugon) System.out.println("f" + fd + " = " + getDouble(fd));
370                                  break;
371                              case 3: // DIV.D
372                                  setDouble(fd,getDouble(fs)/getDouble(ft));
373                                  break;
374                              case 5: // ABS.D
375                                  setDouble(fd,Math.abs(getDouble(fs)));
376                                  break;
377                              case 6: // MOV.D
378                                  f[fd] = f[fs];
379                                  f[fd+1] = f[fs+1];
380                                  break;
381                              case 7: // NEG.D
382                                  setDouble(fd,-getDouble(fs)); // FIXME: just flip the sign bit
383                                  break;
384                              case 32: // CVT.S.D
385                                  setFloat(fd,(float)getDouble(fs));
386                                  break;
387                              case 36: // CVT.W.D
388                                  if(debugon) System.out.println("CVT.W.D rm: " + roundingMode() + " f" + fs + ":" + getDouble(fs));
389                                  switch(roundingMode()) {
390                                      case 0: f[fd] = (int)Math.floor(getDouble(fs)+0.5); break; // Round to nearest
391                                      case 1: f[fd] = (int)getDouble(fs); break; // Round towards zero
392                                      case 2: f[fd] = (int)Math.ceil(getDouble(fs)); break; // Round towards plus infinity
393                                      case 3: f[fd] = (int)Math.floor(getDouble(fs)); break; // Round towards minus infinity
394                                  }
395                                  if(debugon) System.out.println("CVT.W.D: f" + fd + ":" + f[fd]);
396                                  break;
397                              case 50: // C.EQ.D
398                                  setFC(getDouble(fs) == getDouble(ft)); // FIXME: just compare the ints, be sure things are normalized
399                                  break;
400                              case 60: // C.LT.D
401                                  setFC(getDouble(fs) < getDouble(ft));
402                                  break;
403                              case 62: // C.LE.D
404                                  setFC(getDouble(fs) <= getDouble(ft));
405                                  break;                                
406                              default: throw new EmulationException("Invalid Instruction 17/" + rs + "/" + subcode + " at " + sourceLine(pc));
407                          }
408                          break;
409                      }
410                      case 20: { // Integer
411                          switch(subcode) {
412                              case 33: // CVT.D.W
413                                  setDouble(fd,(double)f[fs]);
414                                  break;
415                              default: throw new EmulationException("Invalid Instruction 17/" + rs + "/" + subcode + " at " + sourceLine(pc));
416                          }
417                          break;
418                      }
419                      default:
420                          throw new EmulationException("Invalid Instruction 17/" + rs);
421                  }
422                  break;
423              }
424              case 18: case 19:
425                  throw new EmulationException("No coprocessor installed");
426              case 32: { // LB
427                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
428                  try {
429                      tmp = readPages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1];
430                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
431                      tmp = memRead(addr&~3);
432                  }
433                  switch(addr&3) {
434                      case 0: tmp = (tmp>>>24)&0xff; break;
435                      case 1: tmp = (tmp>>>16)&0xff; break;
436                      case 2: tmp = (tmp>>> 8)&0xff; break;
437                      case 3: tmp = (tmp>>> 0)&0xff; break;
438                  }
439                  if((tmp&0x80)!=0) tmp |= 0xffffff00; // sign extend
440                  r[rt] = tmp;
441                  break;
442              }
443              case 33: { // LH
444                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
445                  try {
446                      tmp = readPages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1];
447                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
448                      tmp = memRead(addr&~3);
449                  }
450                  switch(addr&2) {
451                      case 0: tmp = (tmp>>>16)&0xffff; break;
452                      case 2: tmp = (tmp>>> 0)&0xffff; break;
453                  }
454                  if((tmp&0x8000)!=0) tmp |= 0xffff0000; // sign extend
455                  r[rt] = tmp;
456                  break;              
457              }
458              case 34: { // LWL;
459                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
460                  try {
461                      tmp = readPages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1];
462                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
463                      tmp = memRead(addr&~3);
464                  }
465                  switch(addr&3) {
466                      case 0: r[rt] = (r[rt]&0x00000000)|(tmp<< 0); break;
467                      case 1: r[rt] = (r[rt]&0x000000ff)|(tmp<< 8); break;
468                      case 2: r[rt] = (r[rt]&0x0000ffff)|(tmp<<16); break;
469                      case 3: r[rt] = (r[rt]&0x00ffffff)|(tmp<<24); break;
470                  }
471                  break;
472              }
473              case 35: // LW
474                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
475                  try {
476                      r[rt] = readPages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1];
477                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
478                      r[rt] = memRead(addr);
479                  }
480                  break;
481              case 36: { // LBU
482                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
483                  try {
484                      tmp = readPages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1];
485                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
486                      tmp = memRead(addr);
487                  }
488                  switch(addr&3) {
489                      case 0: r[rt] = (tmp>>>24)&0xff; break;
490                      case 1: r[rt] = (tmp>>>16)&0xff; break;
491                      case 2: r[rt] = (tmp>>> 8)&0xff; break;
492                      case 3: r[rt] = (tmp>>> 0)&0xff; break;
493                  }
494                  break;
495              }
496              case 37: { // LHU
497                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
498                  try {
499                      tmp = readPages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1];
500                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
501                      tmp = memRead(addr&~3);
502                  }
503                  switch(addr&2) {
504                      case 0: r[rt] = (tmp>>>16)&0xffff; break;
505                      case 2: r[rt] = (tmp>>> 0)&0xffff; break;
506                  }
507                  break;
508              }
509              case 38: { // LWR
510                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
511                  try {
512                      tmp = readPages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1];
513                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
514                      tmp = memRead(addr&~3);
515                  }
516                  switch(addr&3) {
517                      case 0: r[rt] = (r[rt]&0xffffff00)|(tmp>>>24); break;
518                      case 1: r[rt] = (r[rt]&0xffff0000)|(tmp>>>16); break;
519                      case 2: r[rt] = (r[rt]&0xff000000)|(tmp>>> 8); break;
520                      case 3: r[rt] = (r[rt]&0x00000000)|(tmp>>> 0); break;
521                  }
522                  break;
523              }
524              case 40: { // SB
525                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
526                  try {
527                      tmp = readPages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1];
528                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
529                      tmp = memRead(addr&~3);
530                  }
531                  switch(addr&3) {
532                      case 0: tmp = (tmp&0x00ffffff) | ((r[rt]&0xff)<<24); break;
533                      case 1: tmp = (tmp&0xff00ffff) | ((r[rt]&0xff)<<16); break;
534                      case 2: tmp = (tmp&0xffff00ff) | ((r[rt]&0xff)<< 8); break;
535                      case 3: tmp = (tmp&0xffffff00) | ((r[rt]&0xff)<< 0); break;
536                  }
537                  try {
538                      writePages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1] = tmp;
539                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
540                      memWrite(addr&~3,tmp);
541                  }
542                  break;
543              }
544              case 41: { // SH
545                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
546                  try {
547                      tmp = readPages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1];
548                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
549                      tmp = memRead(addr&~3);
550                  }
551                  switch(addr&2) {
552                      case 0: tmp = (tmp&0x0000ffff) | ((r[rt]&0xffff)<<16); break;
553                      case 2: tmp = (tmp&0xffff0000) | ((r[rt]&0xffff)<< 0); break;
554                  }
555                  try {
556                      writePages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1] = tmp;
557                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
558                      memWrite(addr&~3,tmp);
559                  }
560                  break;
561              }
562              case 42: { // SWL
563                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
564                  tmp = memRead(addr&~3);
565                  switch(addr&3) {
566                      case 0: tmp=(tmp&0x00000000)|(r[rt]>>> 0); break;
567                      case 1: tmp=(tmp&0xff000000)|(r[rt]>>> 8); break;
568                      case 2: tmp=(tmp&0xffff0000)|(r[rt]>>>16); break;
569                      case 3: tmp=(tmp&0xffffff00)|(r[rt]>>>24); break;
570                  }
571                  try {
572                      writePages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1] = tmp;
573                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
574                      memWrite(addr&~3,tmp);
575                  }
576                  break;
577              }
578              case 43: // SW
579                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
580                  try {
581                      writePages[addr>>>PAGE_SHIFT][(addr>>>2)&PAGE_WORDS-1] = r[rt];
582                  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
583                      memWrite(addr&~3,r[rt]);
584                  }
585                  break;
586              case 46: { // SWR
587                  addr = r[rs] + signedImmediate;
588                  tmp = memRead(addr&~3);
589                  switch(addr&3) {
590                      case 0: tmp=(tmp&0x00ffffff)|(r[rt]<<24); break;
591                      case 1: tmp=(tmp&0x0000ffff)|(r[rt]<<16); break;
592                      case 2: tmp=(tmp&0x000000ff)|(r[rt]<< 8); break;
593                      case 3: tmp=(tmp&0x00000000)|(r[rt]<< 0); break;
594                  }
595                  memWrite(addr&~3,tmp);
596                  break;
597              }
598              case 49: // LWC1
599                  f[rt] = memRead(r[rs] + signedImmediate);
600                  break;
601              case 57: // SWC1
602                  memWrite(r[rs] + signedImmediate,f[rt]);
603                  break;
604              default:
605                  throw new EmulationException("Invalid Instruction: " + op);
606          }
607          pc = nextPC;
608          nextPC = pc + 4;
609      } // for(;;)
610      } catch(EmulationException e) {
611          this.nextPC = pc;
612          throw e;
613      }
614          return 0;
615      }
617      // Image loading function
618      void loadImage(String file) throws IOException {
619          ELF elf = new ELF(file);
620          if(elf.header.type != ELF.ELFHeader.ET_EXEC)
621              throw new IOException("Binary is not an executable");
622          if(elf.header.machine != ELF.ELFHeader.EM_MIPS)
623              throw new IOException("Binary is not for the MIPS I Architecture");
624          entryPoint = elf.header.entry;
625          ELF.PHeader[] pheaders = elf.pheaders;
626          brk = 0;
627          for(int i=0;i<pheaders.length;i++) {
628              ELF.PHeader ph = pheaders[i];
629              if(ph.type != ELF.PHeader.PT_LOAD) continue;
630              int memsize = ph.memsz;
631              int filesize = ph.filesz;
632              if(memsize == 0) continue;
633              if(memsize < 0) throw new IOException("pheader size too large");
634              int addr = ph.vaddr;
635              if(addr == 0x0) throw new IOException("pheader vaddr == 0x0");
636              if(addr+memsize >= (brk<<PAGE_SHIFT)) brk = (addr+memsize+PAGE_SIZE-1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
638              for(int j=0;j<memsize+PAGE_SIZE-1;j+=PAGE_SIZE) {
639                  int page = (j+addr) >>> PAGE_SHIFT;
640                  if(readPages[page] == null)
641                      readPages[page] = new int[PAGE_WORDS];
642                  if(ph.writable()) writePages[page] = readPages[page];
643              }
644              if(filesize != 0) {
645                  filesize = filesize & ~3;
646                  DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(ph.getInputStream());
647                  do {
648                      readPages[addr >>> PAGE_SHIFT][(addr >>> 2)&(PAGE_WORDS-1)] = dis.readInt();
649                      addr+=4;
650                      filesize-=4;
651                  } while(filesize > 0);
652                  dis.close();
653              }
654          }
655          image = file;
656          state = INITIALIZED;
657      }
659      protected void _start(int pc) {
660          registers[SP] = INITIAL_SP;
661          registers[RA] = 0xdeadbeef;
662          nextPC = pc;
663      }
664      public MIPSInterpreter() { }
665      public MIPSInterpreter(String image) throws IOException { loadImage(image); }
667      // Debug functions
668      // NOTE: This probably requires a jdk > 1.1, however, it is only used for debugging
669      public String sourceLine(int pc) {
670          final String addr2line = "mips-unknown-elf-addr2line";
671          String line;
672          if(image==null) return null;
673          try {
674              Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{addr2line,"-e",image,toHex(pc)});
675              line = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())).readLine();
676              if(line == null) return null;
677              while(line.startsWith("../")) line = line.substring(3);
678              return line;
679          } catch(IOException e) {
680              return null;
681          }
682      }
684      public class DebugShutdownHook implements Runnable {
685          public void run() {
686              int pc = nextPC;
687              if(getState() == RUNNING)
688                  System.err.print("\nCPU Executing " + toHex(pc) + ": " + sourceLine(pc) + "\n");
689          }
690      }
692      public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
693          String image = argv[0];
694          MIPSInterpreter emu = new MIPSInterpreter();
695          emu.loadImage(image);
696          Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(emu.new DebugShutdownHook()));
697          // User data
698          int addr = emu.sbrk(PAGE_SIZE);
699          for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
700              String s = "User Info item: " + (i+1) + "\0";
701              byte[] b = s.getBytes("US-ASCII");
702              emu.copyout(b,addr,b.length);
703              emu.setUserInfo(i,addr);
704              addr += b.length;
705          }
706          // End user data
707          int status = emu.run(argv);
708          System.err.println("Exit status: " + status);
709          System.exit(status);
710      }
711  }
713  abstract class MIPSEmu implements Syscalls, Errno {
714      // Register Names
715      protected final static int ZERO = 0; // Immutable, hardwired to 0
716      protected final static int AT = 1;  // Reserved for assembler
717      protected final static int K0 = 26; // Reserved for kernel 
718      protected final static int K1 = 27; // Reserved for kernel 
719      protected final static int GP = 28; // Global pointer (the middle of .sdata/.sbss)
720      protected final static int SP = 29; // Stack pointer
721      protected final static int FP = 30; // Frame Pointer
722      protected final static int RA = 31; // Return Address
724      // Return values (caller saved)
725      protected final static int V0 = 2;
726      protected final static int V1 = 3;
727      // Argument Registers (caller saved)
728      protected final static int A0 = 4; 
729      protected final static int A1 = 5;
730      protected final static int A2 = 6;
731      protected final static int A3 = 7;
732      // Temporaries (caller saved)
733      protected final static int T0 = 8;
734      protected final static int T1 = 9;
735      protected final static int T2 = 10;
736      protected final static int T3 = 11;
737      protected final static int T4 = 12;
738      protected final static int T5 = 13;
739      protected final static int T6 = 14;
740      protected final static int T7 = 15;
741      protected final static int T8 = 24;
742      protected final static int T9 = 25;
743      // Saved (callee saved)
744      protected final static int S0 = 16;
745      protected final static int S1 = 17;
746      protected final static int S2 = 18;
747      protected final static int S3 = 19;
748      protected final static int S4 = 20;
749      protected final static int S5 = 21;
750      protected final static int S6 = 22;
751      protected final static int S7 = 23;
753      // Page Constants
754      // Page Size: 4k
755      // Total Pages: 64k
756      // Maxiumum Addressable memory 256mb
757      // 1mb of stack space
758      protected final static int PAGE_SIZE = 4096;
759      protected final static int PAGE_WORDS = (int)(PAGE_SIZE >>> 2);
760      protected final static int PAGE_SHIFT = 12;
761      protected final static int STACK_PAGES = 256;
762      // NOTE: If you change TOTAL_PAGES crt0.c needs to be updated to reflect the
763      // new location of INITIAL_SP
764      protected final static int TOTAL_PAGES = 65536;
765      protected final static int BRK_LIMIT = 32768;
766      // Top page is always empty
767      // next page down contains command line arguments
768      protected final static int ARGS_ADDR = (TOTAL_PAGES-2)*PAGE_SIZE;
769      // next page down contains _user_info data
770      protected final static int USER_INFO_ADDR = (TOTAL_PAGES-3)*PAGE_SIZE;
771      // next page down is the start of the stack
772      protected final static int INITIAL_SP = (TOTAL_PAGES-3)*PAGE_SIZE;
773      // magic page that signified an allocated but empty (untouched) page
774      private final static int[] emptyPage = new int[0];
776      // Main memory
777      protected final int[][] readPages;
778      protected final int[][] writePages;
780      // Brk
781      protected int brk; // PAGE not address
783      // Entry point - what start() sets pc to
784      protected int entryPoint;
786      // State constants
787      public final static int UNINITIALIZED = 0;
788      public final static int INITIALIZED = 1;
789      public final static int RUNNING = 2;
790      public final static int PAUSED = 3;
791      public final static int DONE = 4;
793      // State
794      protected int state = UNINITIALIZED;
795      public final int getState() { return state; }
796      protected int exitStatus;
798      // File descriptors
799      private final static int OPEN_MAX = 256;
800      private FileDescriptor[] fds;
802      // Temporary buffer for read/write operations
803      private byte[] _byteBuf = null;
804      private final static int MAX_CHUNK = 4*1024*1024-8;
806      // Abstract methods
807      // This should start executing at pc
808      public abstract void execute() throws EmulationException;
809      // This should initialize the cpu registers to point to the entry point
810      protected abstract void _start(int pc);
812      public static final int PID = 1;
814      public MIPSEmu() {
815          readPages = new int[TOTAL_PAGES][];
816          writePages = new int[TOTAL_PAGES][];
817          for(int i=0;i<STACK_PAGES;i++)
818              readPages[TOTAL_PAGES-1-i] = writePages[TOTAL_PAGES-1-i] = emptyPage;
819      }
821      public void copyin(int addr, byte[] a, int length) throws ReadFaultException {
822          int n=0;
823          if((addr&3)!=0) {
824              int word = memRead(addr&~3);
825               switch(addr&3) {
826                  case 1: a[n++] = (byte)((word>>>16)&0xff); if(length-n==0) break;
827                  case 2: a[n++] = (byte)((word>>> 8)&0xff); if(length-n==0) break;
828                  case 3: a[n++] = (byte)((word>>> 0)&0xff); if(length-n==0) break;
829              }
830              addr = (addr&~3)+4;
831          }
832          while(length-n > 3) {
833              int start = (addr&(PAGE_SIZE-1))>>2;
834              int end = start + (min(PAGE_SIZE-(addr&(PAGE_SIZE-1)),(length-n)&~3) >> 2);
835              int[] page = readPages[addr >>> PAGE_SHIFT];
836              if(page == null) throw new ReadFaultException(addr);
837              if(page == emptyPage) { addr+=(end-start); n+=(end-start); continue; }
838              for(int i=start;i<end;i++,addr+=4) {
839                  int word = page[i];
840                  a[n++] = (byte)((word>>>24)&0xff); a[n++] = (byte)((word>>>16)&0xff);
841                  a[n++] = (byte)((word>>> 8)&0xff); a[n++] = (byte)((word>>> 0)&0xff);
842              }
843          }
844          if(length-n > 0) {
845              int word = memRead(addr);
846              if(length-n >= 1) a[n] = (byte)((word>>>24)&0xff);
847              if(length-n >= 2) a[n+1] = (byte)((word>>>16)&0xff);
848              if(length-n >= 3) a[n+2] = (byte)((word>>> 8)&0xff);
849          }
850      }
852      public void copyout(byte[] a, int addr, int length) throws FaultException {
853          int n=0;
854          if((addr&3)!=0) {
855              int word = memRead(addr&~3);
856               switch(addr&3) {
857                  case 1: word = (word&0xff00ffff)|((a[n]&0xff)<<16); n++; if(length-n==0) break;
858                  case 2: word = (word&0xffff00ff)|((a[n]&0xff)<< 8); n++; if(length-n==0) break;
859                  case 3: word = (word&0xffffff00)|((a[n]&0xff)<< 0); n++; if(length-n==0) break;
860              }
861              memWrite(addr&~3,word);
862              addr = (addr&~3)+4;
863          }
865          while(length-n > 3) {
866              int start = (addr&(PAGE_SIZE-1))>>2;
867              int end = start + (min(PAGE_SIZE-(addr&(PAGE_SIZE-1)),(length-n)&~3) >> 2);
868              int[] page = writePages[addr >>> PAGE_SHIFT];
869              if(page == null) throw new WriteFaultException(addr);
870              if(page == emptyPage) { memWrite(addr,0); page = writePages[addr >>> PAGE_SHIFT]; }
871              for(int i=start;i<end;i++,addr+=4) {
872                  int word = ((a[n+0]&0xff)<<24)|((a[n+1]&0xff)<<16)|((a[n+2]&0xff)<<8)|((a[n+3]&0xff)<<0); n+=4;
873                  page[i] = word;
874              }
875          }
876          if(length-n > 0) {
877              int word = memRead(addr);
878              word = (word&0x00ffffff)|((a[n]&0xff)<<24);
879              if(length-n > 1) { word = (word&0xff00ffff)|((a[n+1]&0xff)<<16); }
880              if(length-n > 2) { word = (word&0xffff00ff)|((a[n+2]&0xff)<< 8); }
881              memWrite(addr,word);
882          }
883      }
885      protected final int memRead(int addr) throws ReadFaultException  {
886          if((addr & 3) != 0) throw new ReadFaultException(addr);
887          int page = addr >>> PAGE_SHIFT;
888          int entry = (addr >>> 2) & (PAGE_WORDS-1);
889          try {
890              return readPages[page][entry];
891          } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
892              if(page < 0) throw e; // should never happen
893              if(page > readPages.length) throw new ReadFaultException(addr);
894              if(readPages[page] != emptyPage) throw e; // should never happen
895              initPage(page);
896              return 0;
897          } catch(NullPointerException e) {
898              throw new ReadFaultException(addr);
899          }
900      }
902      protected final void memWrite(int addr, int value) throws WriteFaultException  {
903          if((addr & 3) != 0) throw new WriteFaultException(addr);
904          int page = addr >>> PAGE_SHIFT;
905          int entry = (addr>>>2)&(PAGE_WORDS-1);
906          try {
907              writePages[page][entry] = value;
908          } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
909              if(page < 0) throw e;// should never happen
910              if(page > writePages.length) throw new WriteFaultException(addr);
911              if(readPages[page] != emptyPage) throw e; // should never happen
912              initPage(page);
913              writePages[page][entry] = value;
914          } catch(NullPointerException e) {
915              throw new WriteFaultException(addr);
916          }
917      }
919      protected void initPage(int page) { writePages[page] = readPages[page] = new int[PAGE_WORDS]; }
921      public final int exitStatus() {
922          if(state != DONE) throw new IllegalStateException("exitStatus() called in an inappropriate state");
923          return exitStatus;
924      }
926      public final int run(String[] args) throws EmulationException {
927          start(args);
928          for(;;) {
929              execute();
930              if(state != PAUSED) break;
931              System.err.println("WARNING: Pause requested while executing run()");
932              try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch(InterruptedException e) { }
933          }
934          if(state != DONE) throw new IllegalStateException("run() ended up in an inappropriate state");
935          return exitStatus();
936      }
938      private void addArgs(String[] args) throws EmulationException {
939          if(state == UNINITIALIZED || state == RUNNING || state == PAUSED) throw new IllegalStateException("addArgs() called in inappropriate state");
940          int count = args.length;
941          byte[] nullTerminator = new byte[1];
942          int total = 4; /* null last table entry  */
943          for(int i=0;i<count;i++) total += args[i].length() + 1/*null terminator*/ + 4/*table entry*/;
944          if(total > PAGE_SIZE) throw new EmulationException("Arguments too large");
945          int start = ARGS_ADDR;
946          int addr = start + (count+1)*4;
947          int[] table = new int[count+1];
948          for(int i=0;i<count;i++) {
949              byte[] a;
950              try { a = args[i].getBytes("US-ASCII"); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){ throw  new Error(e.getMessage()); }
951              table[i] = addr;
953                  copyout(a,addr,a.length);
954                  addr += a.length;
955                  copyout(nullTerminator,addr,1);
956                  addr += 1;
958          }
959          addr=start;
960          for(int i=0;i<count;i++) {
961              memWrite(addr,table[i]);
962              addr += 4;
963          }
964      }
966      public void setUserInfo(int index, int word) throws EmulationException {
967          if(index < 0 ||  index >= 1024) throw new EmulationException("setUserInfo called with index >= 1024");
968          memWrite(USER_INFO_ADDR+index*4,word);
969      }
971      public int getUserInfo(int index) throws EmulationException {
972          if(index < 0 ||  index >= 1024) throw new EmulationException("getUserInfo called with index >= 1024");
973          return memRead(USER_INFO_ADDR+index*4);
974      }
976      public final void start(String[] args) throws EmulationException {
977          if(state == UNINITIALIZED || state == RUNNING || state == PAUSED) throw new IllegalStateException("start() called in inappropriate state");
978          _start(entryPoint);
979          addArgs(args);
980          fds = new FileDescriptor[OPEN_MAX];
981          fds[0] = new InputStreamFD(System.in)   { public boolean isatty() { return true; } };
982          fds[1] = new OutputStreamFD(System.out) { public boolean isatty() { return true; } };
983          fds[2] = new OutputStreamFD(System.err) { public boolean isatty() { return true; } };
984          state = PAUSED;
985      }
988      // Syscalls
989      private int write(int fdn, int addr, int count) {
990          int n = 0;
991          int r;
992          FileDescriptor fd;
993          count = Math.min(count,MAX_CHUNK);
994          try {
995              fd = fds[fdn];
996              if(fd == null || !fd.writable()) return -EBADFD;
997          } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
998              return -EBADFD;
999          }
1000         try {
1001             byte[] buf = byteBuf(count);
1002             copyin(addr,buf,count);
1003             return fd.write(buf,0,count);
1004         } catch(FaultException e) {
1005             System.err.println(e);
1006             return -EFAULT;
1007         } catch(IOException e) {
1008             System.err.println(e);
1009             return -EIO;
1010         }
1011     }
1013     private int read(int fdn, int addr, int count) {
1014         FileDescriptor fd;
1015         count = Math.min(count,MAX_CHUNK);
1016         try {
1017             fd = fds[fdn];
1018             if(fd == null || !fd.readable()) return -EBADFD;
1019         } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
1020             return -EBADFD;
1021         }
1022         try {
1023             byte[] buf = byteBuf(count);
1024             int n = fd.read(buf,0,count);
1025             copyout(buf,addr,n);
1026             return n;
1027         } catch(FaultException e) {
1028             System.err.println(e);
1029             return -EFAULT;
1030         } catch(IOException e) {
1031             System.err.println(e);
1032             return -EIO;
1033         }
1034     }
1036     private int close(int fdn) {
1037         FileDescriptor fd;
1038         try {
1039             fd = fds[fdn];
1040             if(fd == null) return -EBADFD;
1041         } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
1042             return -EBADFD;
1043         }
1044         fds[fdn] = null;
1045         fd.close();
1046         return 0;
1047     }
1049     private int stat(FileInfo fi, int addr) {
1050         int size = fi.size();
1051         try {
1052             memWrite(addr+0,0); // st_dev (top 16), // st_ino (bottom 16)
1053             memWrite(addr+4,(fi.type() & 0xf000)|0644); // st_mode
1054             memWrite(addr+8,1); // st_nlink (top 16) // st_uid (bottom 16)
1055             memWrite(addr+12,0); // st_gid (top 16) // st_rdev (bottom 16)
1056             memWrite(addr+16,size); // st_size
1057             memWrite(addr+20,0); // st_atime
1058             // memWrite(addr+24,0) // st_spare1
1059             memWrite(addr+28,(int)(fi.modTime()/1000)); // st_mtime
1060             // memWrite(addr+32,0) // st_spare2
1061             memWrite(addr+36,0); // st_atime
1062             // memWrite(addr+40,0) // st_spare3
1063             memWrite(addr+44,512); // st_bklsize;
1064             memWrite(addr+48,(size+511)&(~511)); // st_blocks
1065             // memWrite(addr+52,0) // st_spare4[0]
1066             // memWrite(addr+56,0) // st_spare4[1]
1067         } catch(FaultException e) {
1068             System.err.println(e);
1069             return -EFAULT;
1070         }
1071         return 0;
1072     }
1074     private int fstat(int fdn, int addr) {
1075         FileDescriptor fd;
1076         try {
1077             fd = fds[fdn];
1078             if(fd == null) return -EBADFD;
1079         } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
1080             return -EBADFD;
1081         }
1082         return stat(fd.fileInfo(),addr);
1083     }
1085     public int sbrk(int incr) {
1086         if(incr==0) return brk<<PAGE_SHIFT;
1087         int oldBrk = brk;
1088         int newBrk = oldBrk + ((incr+PAGE_SIZE-1)>>PAGE_SHIFT);
1089         if(newBrk >= BRK_LIMIT) {
1090             System.err.println("Hit BRK_LIMIT");
1091             return -ENOMEM;
1092         }
1093         for(int i=oldBrk;i<newBrk+256;i++)
1094             readPages[i] = writePages[i] = emptyPage;
1095         brk = newBrk;
1096         return oldBrk<<PAGE_SHIFT;
1097     }
1099     private int open(int addr, int flags, int mode) {
1100         final int O_RDONLY = 0;
1101         final int O_WRONLY = 1;
1102         final int O_RDWR = 2;
1103         final int O_APPEND = 0x0008;
1104         final int O_CREAT = 0x0200;
1105         final int O_NONBLOCK = 0x4000;
1106         final int O_EXCL = 0x0800;
1108         if((flags & O_APPEND) != 0) {
1109             System.err.println("WARNING: O_APPEND not supported");
1110             return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1111         }
1112         if((flags & O_NONBLOCK) != 0) {
1113             System.err.println("WARNING: O_NONBLOCK not supported");
1114             return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1115         }
1117         try {
1118             int fdn=-1;
1119             File f = new File(cstring(addr));
1120             System.err.println("Opening: " + f);
1121             if((flags & O_EXCL) != 0 && (flags & O_CREAT) != 0)
1122                 if(!f.createNewFile()) return -EEXIST;
1123             if(f.exists()) {
1124                 if(f.length() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1125             } else {
1126                 if((flags & O_CREAT) == 0) return -ENOENT;
1127             }
1128             for(int i=0;i<OPEN_MAX;i++) if(fds[i] == null) { fdn = i; break; }
1129             if(fdn==-1) return -ENFILE;
1130             fds[fdn] = new RegularFileDescriptor(f,flags&3);
1131             return fdn;
1132         } catch(FaultException e) {
1133             return -EFAULT;
1134         } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { 
1135             if(e.getMessage().indexOf("Permission denied") >= 0) return -EACCES;
1136             return -ENOENT;
1137         } catch(IOException e) {
1138             return -EIO;
1139         }
1140     }
1142     private int seek(int fdn, int offset, int whence) {
1143         FileDescriptor fd;
1144         try {
1145             fd = fds[fdn];
1146             if(fd == null || !fd.readable()) return -EBADFD;
1147         } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
1148             return -EBADFD;
1149         }
1150         try {
1151             return fd.seek(offset,whence);
1152         } catch(IOException e) {
1153             System.err.println(e);
1154             return -EPIPE;
1155         }
1156     }
1158     // This will only be called by raise() to invoke the default handler
1159     // We don't have to worry about actually delivering the signal
1160     private int kill(int pid, int signal) {
1161         if(pid != PID) return -ESRCH;
1162         if(signal < 0 || signal >= 32) return -EINVAL;
1163         switch(signal) {
1164             case 0: return 0;
1165             case 17: // SIGSTOP
1166             case 18: // SIGTSTP
1167             case 21: // SIGTTIN
1168             case 22: // SIGTTOU
1169                 state = PAUSED;
1170                 break;
1171             case 19: // SIGCONT
1172             case 20: // SIGCHLD
1173             case 23: // SIGIO
1174             case 28: // SIGWINCH
1175                 break;
1176             default: {
1177                 String msg = "Terminating on signal: " + signal + "\n";
1178                 exitStatus = 1;
1179                 state = DONE;
1180                 if(fds[2]==null) {
1181                     System.out.print(msg);
1182                 } else {
1183                     byte[] b = msg.getBytes();
1184                     try {
1185                         fds[2].write(b,0,b.length);
1186                     } catch(IOException e) { }
1187                 }
1188             }
1189         }
1190         return 0;
1191     }
1193     private int getpid() { return PID; }
1195     protected int syscall(int syscall, int a, int b, int c, int d) {
1196         switch(syscall) {
1197             case SYS_null: return 0;
1198             case SYS_exit: exitStatus = a; state = DONE; return 0;
1199             case SYS_pause: state = PAUSED; return 0;
1200             case SYS_write: return write(a,b,c);
1201             case SYS_fstat: return fstat(a,b);
1202             case SYS_sbrk: return sbrk(a);
1203             case SYS_open: return open(a,b,c);
1204             case SYS_close: return close(a);
1205             case SYS_read: return read(a,b,c);
1206             case SYS_seek: return seek(a,b,c);
1207             case SYS_kill: return kill(a,b);
1208             case SYS_getpid: return getpid();
1209             default:
1210                 System.err.println("Attempted to use unknown syscall: " + syscall);
1211                 return -ENOSYS;
1212         }
1213     }
1215     // Helper function to read a cstring from main memory
1216     private String cstring(int addr) throws ReadFaultException {
1217         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1218         for(;;) {
1219             int word = memRead(addr&~3);
1220             switch(addr&3) {
1221                 case 0: if(((word>>>24)&0xff)==0) return sb.toString(); sb.append((char)((word>>>24)&0xff)); addr++;
1222                 case 1: if(((word>>>16)&0xff)==0) return sb.toString(); sb.append((char)((word>>>16)&0xff)); addr++;
1223                 case 2: if(((word>>> 8)&0xff)==0) return sb.toString(); sb.append((char)((word>>> 8)&0xff)); addr++;
1224                 case 3: if(((word>>> 0)&0xff)==0) return sb.toString(); sb.append((char)((word>>> 0)&0xff)); addr++;
1225             }
1226         }
1227     }
1229     // Exceptions
1230     public static class ReadFaultException extends FaultException {
1231         public ReadFaultException(int addr) { super(addr); }
1232     }
1233     public static class WriteFaultException extends FaultException {
1234         public WriteFaultException(int addr) { super(addr); }
1235     }
1236     public static abstract class FaultException extends EmulationException {
1237         private int addr;
1238         public FaultException(int addr) { this.addr = addr; }
1239         public String getMessage() { return "fault at: " + toHex(addr); }
1240     }
1241     public static class EmulationException extends Exception {
1242         public EmulationException() { }
1243         public EmulationException(String s) { super(s); }
1244     }
1246     // FileInfo classes - used by stat(2)
1247     static class FileInfo {
1248         public static final int S_IFIFO = 0010000;
1249         public static final int S_FCHR =  0020000;
1250         public static final int S_IFDIR = 0040000;
1251         public static final int S_IFREG = 0100000;
1253         public int size() { return 0; }
1254         public int type() { return S_IFIFO; }
1255         public long modTime() { return 0; }
1256     }
1258     public static class FileFileInfo extends FileInfo {
1259         public File f;
1260         public FileFileInfo(File f) { this.f = f; }
1261         public int size() { return (int)f.length(); }
1262         public int type() { return f.isDirectory() ? S_IFDIR : S_IFREG; }
1263         public long modTime() { return f.lastModified(); }
1264     }
1266     // File descriptor classes
1267     public static abstract class FileDescriptor {
1268         public boolean readable() { return false; }
1269         public boolean writable() { return false; }
1271         private static final FileInfo nullFi = new FileInfo();
1272         private FileInfo fi;
1273         public FileInfo fileInfo() { return fi; }
1275         FileDescriptor() { this(null); }
1276         FileDescriptor(FileInfo fi) { this.fi = fi==null ? nullFi : fi; }
1278         public int read(byte[] a, int off, int length) throws IOException { throw new IOException("no definition"); }
1279         public int write(byte[] a, int off, int length) throws IOException { throw new IOException("no definition"); }
1281         public int seek(int n, int whence)  throws IOException  { return -ESPIPE; }
1282         public boolean isatty() { return false; }
1284         void close() { }
1285     }
1287     public static class RegularFileDescriptor extends FileDescriptor {
1288         private int mode;
1289         private RandomAccessFile raf;
1290         public boolean readable() { return mode != 1; }
1291         public boolean writable() { return mode != 0; }
1293         RegularFileDescriptor(File f,int m) throws IOException {
1294             super(new FileFileInfo(f));
1295             String mode = m == 0 ? "r" : "rw";
1296             this.mode = m;
1297             raf = new RandomAccessFile(f,mode);
1298             if(raf.length() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new IOException("File too large");
1299         }
1301         public int seek(int n, int whence) throws IOException {
1302             final int SEEK_SET = 0;
1303             final int SEEK_CUR = 1;
1304             final int SEEK_END = 2;
1306             switch(whence) {
1307                 case SEEK_SET: break;
1308                 case SEEK_CUR: n = (int)(raf.getFilePointer()+n); break;
1309                 case SEEK_END: n = (int)(raf.length()+n); break;
1310                 default: return -EINVAL;
1311             }
1312             raf.seek(n);
1313             return n;
1314         }
1316         public int write(byte[] a, int off, int length) throws IOException { raf.write(a,off,length); return length; }
1317         public int read(byte[] a, int off, int length) throws IOException { int n = raf.read(a,off,length); return n < 0 ? 0 : n; }
1319         void close() { try { raf.close(); } catch(Exception e) { } }
1320     }
1322     public class OutputStreamFD extends FileDescriptor {
1323         private OutputStream os;
1324         public boolean writable() { return true; }
1325         public OutputStreamFD(OutputStream os) { this.os = os; }
1326         public int write(byte[] a, int off, int length) throws IOException { os.write(a,off,length); return length; }
1327     }
1329     public class InputStreamFD extends FileDescriptor {
1330         private InputStream is;
1331         public boolean readable() { return true; }
1332         public InputStreamFD(InputStream is) { this.is = is; }
1333         public int read(byte[] a, int off, int length) throws IOException { int n = is.read(a,off,length); return n < 0 ? 0 : n; }
1334     }
1336     // Utility functions
1337     private byte[] byteBuf(int size) {
1338         if(_byteBuf==null) _byteBuf = new byte[size];
1339         else if(_byteBuf.length < size)
1340             _byteBuf = new byte[min(max(_byteBuf.length*2,size),MAX_CHUNK+8)];
1341         return _byteBuf;
1342     }
1343     protected final static String toHex(int n) { return "0x" + Long.toString(n & 0xffffffffL, 16); }
1344     protected final static int min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
1345     protected final static int max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
1346 }
1348 class ELF {
1349     private MyRandomAccessFile fd;
1351     public ELFHeader header;
1352     public PHeader[] pheaders;
1353     public SHeader[] sheaders;
1355     private boolean sectionReaderActive;
1357     public class ELFHeader {
1358         byte klass;
1359         byte data;
1360         byte osabi;
1361         byte abiversion;
1363         public static final short ET_EXEC = 2;
1364         public short type;
1365         public static final short EM_MIPS = 8;
1366         public short machine;
1367         public int version;
1368         public int entry;
1369         public int phoff;
1370         public int shoff;
1371         public int flags;
1372         public short ehsize;
1373         public short phentsize;
1374         public short phnum;
1375         public short shentsize;
1376         public short shnum;
1377         public short shstrndx;
1379         private static final int ELF_MAGIC = 0x7f454c46; // '\177', 'E', 'L', 'F'
1380         ELFHeader() throws IOException {
1381             if(fd.readInt() != ELF_MAGIC) throw new ELFException("Bad Magic (is: " );
1382             klass = fd.readByte();
1383             data = fd.readByte();
1384             fd.skipFully(1); // version
1385             osabi = fd.readByte();
1386             abiversion = fd.readByte();
1387             fd.skipFully(7);
1388             type = fd.readShort();
1389             machine = fd.readShort();
1390             version = fd.readInt();
1391             entry = fd.readInt();
1392             phoff = fd.readInt();
1393             shoff = fd.readInt();
1394             flags = fd.readInt();
1395             ehsize = fd.readShort();
1396             phentsize = fd.readShort();
1397             phnum = fd.readShort();
1398             shentsize = fd.readShort();
1399             shnum = fd.readShort();
1400             shstrndx = fd.readShort();
1401         }
1402     }
1404     public class PHeader {
1405         public int type;
1406         public int offset;
1407         public int vaddr;
1408         public int paddr;
1409         public int filesz;
1410         public int memsz;
1411         public int flags;
1412         public int align;
1414         public static final int PF_X = 0x1;
1415         public static final int PF_W = 0x2;
1416         public static final int PF_R = 0x4;
1418         public static final int PT_LOAD = 1;
1420         PHeader() throws IOException {
1421             type = fd.readInt();
1422             offset = fd.readInt();
1423             vaddr = fd.readInt();
1424             paddr = fd.readInt();
1425             filesz = fd.readInt();
1426             memsz = fd.readInt();
1427             flags = fd.readInt();
1428             align = fd.readInt();
1429             if(filesz > memsz) throw new ELFException("ELF inconsistency: filesz > memsz");
1430         }
1432         public boolean writable() { return (flags & PF_W) != 0; }
1434         public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
1435             return new BufferedInputStream(new SectionInputStream(
1436                 offset,offset+filesz));
1437         }
1438     }
1440     public class SHeader {
1441         int nameidx;
1442         public String name;
1443         public int type;
1444         public int flags;
1445         public int addr;
1446         public int offset;
1447         public int size;
1448         public int link;
1449         public int info;
1450         public int addralign;
1451         public int entsize;
1453         public static final int T_NOBITS = 8;
1455         SHeader() throws IOException {
1456             nameidx = fd.readInt();
1457             type = fd.readInt();
1458             flags = fd.readInt();
1459             addr = fd.readInt();
1460             offset = fd.readInt();
1461             size = fd.readInt();
1462             link = fd.readInt();
1463             info = fd.readInt();
1464             addralign = fd.readInt();
1465             entsize = fd.readInt();
1466         }
1468         public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
1469             return new BufferedInputStream(new SectionInputStream(
1470                 offset, type == T_NOBITS ? 0 : offset+size));
1471         }
1472     }
1474     public ELF(String file) throws IOException, ELFException {
1475         fd = new MyRandomAccessFile(file,"r");
1476         header = new ELFHeader();
1477         pheaders = new PHeader[header.phnum];
1478         for(int i=0;i<header.phnum;i++) {
1479             fd.seek(header.phoff+i*header.phentsize);
1480             pheaders[i] = new PHeader();
1481         }
1482         sheaders = new SHeader[header.shnum];
1483         for(int i=0;i<header.shnum;i++) {
1484             fd.seek(header.shoff+i*header.shentsize);
1485             sheaders[i] = new SHeader();
1486         }
1487         if(header.shstrndx < 0 || header.shstrndx >= header.shnum) throw new ELFException("Bad shstrndx");
1488         fd.seek(sheaders[header.shstrndx].offset);
1489         byte[] a = new byte[sheaders[header.shstrndx].size];
1490         fd.readFully(a);
1491         for(int i=0;i<header.shnum;i++) {
1492             SHeader s = sheaders[i];
1493             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1494                for(int off = s.nameidx;off < a.length && a[off] != 0; off++) sb.append((char)a[off]);
1495             s.name = sb.toString();
1496         }            
1497     }
1499     public SHeader sectionWithName(String name) {
1500         for(int i=0;i<sheaders.length;i++)
1501             if(sheaders[i].name.equals(name))
1502                 return sheaders[i];
1503         return null;
1504     }
1506     public class ELFException extends IOException { ELFException(String s) { super(s); } }
1508     private class MyRandomAccessFile extends RandomAccessFile  {
1509         MyRandomAccessFile(String f,String m) throws IOException { super(f,m); }
1510         public void skipFully(int n) throws IOException {
1511             while(n>0) n-= skipBytes(n);
1512         }
1513     }
1515     private class SectionInputStream extends InputStream {
1516         private int pos;
1517         private int maxpos;
1518         SectionInputStream(int start, int end) throws IOException {
1519             if(sectionReaderActive)
1520                 throw new IOException("Section reader already active");
1521             sectionReaderActive = true;
1522             pos = start;
1523             fd.seek(pos);
1524             maxpos = end;
1525         }
1527         private int bytesLeft() { return maxpos - pos; }
1528         public int read() throws IOException { if(bytesLeft()==0) return -1; int b = fd.read(); if(b >= 0) pos++; return b; }
1529         public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
1530             int n = fd.read(b,off,Math.min(len,bytesLeft())); if(n > 0) pos += n; return n;
1531         }
1532         public void close() { sectionReaderActive = false; }
1533     }
1535     private static String toHex(int n) { return "0x" + Long.toString(n & 0xffffffffL, 16); }
1537     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
1538         ELF elf = new ELF(args[0]);
1539         System.out.println("Type: " + toHex(elf.header.type));
1540         System.out.println("Machine: " + toHex(elf.header.machine));
1541         for(int i=0;i<elf.pheaders.length;i++) {
1542             ELF.PHeader ph = elf.pheaders[i];
1543             System.out.println("PHeader " + toHex(i));
1544             System.out.println("\tOffset: " + ph.offset);
1545             System.out.println("\tVaddr: " + toHex(ph.vaddr));
1546             System.out.println("\tFile Size: " + ph.filesz);
1547             System.out.println("\tMem Size: " + ph.memsz);
1548         }
1549         for(int i=0;i<elf.sheaders.length;i++) {
1550             ELF.SHeader sh = elf.sheaders[i];
1551             System.out.println("SHeader " + toHex(i));
1552             System.out.println("\tName: " + sh.name);
1553             System.out.println("\tOffset: " + sh.offset);
1554             System.out.println("\tAddr: " + toHex(sh.addr));
1555             System.out.println("\tSize: " + sh.size);
1556             System.out.println("\tType: " + toHex(sh.type));
1557         }
1558     }
1559 }
1560 interface Errno {
1561     public static final int EPERM = 1;
1562     public static final int ENOENT = 2;
1563     public static final int ESRCH = 3;
1564     public static final int EINTR = 4;
1565     public static final int EIO = 5;
1566     public static final int ENXIO = 6;
1567     public static final int ENOEXEC = 8;
1568     public static final int EBADF = 9;
1569     public static final int ECHILD = 10;
1570     public static final int EAGAIN = 11;
1571     public static final int ENOMEM = 12;
1572     public static final int EACCES = 13;
1573     public static final int EFAULT = 14;
1574     public static final int ENOTBLK = 15;
1575     public static final int EBUSY = 16;
1576     public static final int EEXIST = 17;
1577     public static final int EXDEV = 18;
1578     public static final int ENODEV = 19;
1579     public static final int ENOTDIR = 20;
1580     public static final int EISDIR = 21;
1581     public static final int EINVAL = 22;
1582     public static final int ENFILE = 23;
1583     public static final int EMFILE = 24;
1584     public static final int ENOTTY = 25;
1585     public static final int ETXTBSY = 26;
1586     public static final int EFBIG = 27;
1587     public static final int ENOSPC = 28;
1588     public static final int ESPIPE = 29;
1589     public static final int EROFS = 30;
1590     public static final int EMLINK = 31;
1591     public static final int EPIPE = 32;
1592     public static final int EDOM = 33;
1593     public static final int ERANGE = 34;
1594     public static final int ENOMSG = 35;
1595     public static final int EIDRM = 36;
1596     public static final int ECHRNG = 37;
1597     public static final int ELNRNG = 41;
1598     public static final int EUNATCH = 42;
1599     public static final int ENOCSI = 43;
1600     public static final int EDEADLK = 45;
1601     public static final int ENOLCK = 46;
1602     public static final int EBADE = 50;
1603     public static final int EBADR = 51;
1604     public static final int EXFULL = 52;
1605     public static final int ENOANO = 53;
1606     public static final int EBADRQC = 54;
1607     public static final int EBADSLT = 55;
1608     public static final int EDEADLOCK = 56;
1609     public static final int EBFONT = 57;
1610     public static final int ENOSTR = 60;
1611     public static final int ENODATA = 61;
1612     public static final int ETIME = 62;
1613     public static final int ENOSR = 63;
1614     public static final int ENONET = 64;
1615     public static final int ENOPKG = 65;
1616     public static final int EREMOTE = 66;
1617     public static final int ENOLINK = 67;
1618     public static final int EADV = 68;
1619     public static final int ESRMNT = 69;
1620     public static final int ECOMM = 70;
1621     public static final int EPROTO = 71;
1622     public static final int EMULTIHOP = 74;
1623     public static final int ELBIN = 75;
1624     public static final int EDOTDOT = 76;
1625     public static final int EBADMSG = 77;
1626     public static final int EFTYPE = 79;
1627     public static final int ENOTUNIQ = 80;
1628     public static final int EBADFD = 81;
1629     public static final int EREMCHG = 82;
1630     public static final int ELIBACC = 83;
1631     public static final int ELIBBAD = 84;
1632     public static final int ELIBSCN = 85;
1633     public static final int ELIBMAX = 86;
1634     public static final int ELIBEXEC = 87;
1635     public static final int ENOSYS = 88;
1636     public static final int ENMFILE = 89;
1637     public static final int ENOTEMPTY = 90;
1638     public static final int ENAMETOOLONG = 91;
1639     public static final int ELOOP = 92;
1640     public static final int EOPNOTSUPP = 95;
1641     public static final int EPFNOSUPPORT = 96;
1642     public static final int ECONNRESET = 104;
1643     public static final int ENOBUFS = 105;
1644     public static final int EAFNOSUPPORT = 106;
1645     public static final int EPROTOTYPE = 107;
1646     public static final int ENOTSOCK = 108;
1647     public static final int ENOPROTOOPT = 109;
1648     public static final int ESHUTDOWN = 110;
1649     public static final int ECONNREFUSED = 111;
1650     public static final int EADDRINUSE = 112;
1651     public static final int ECONNABORTED = 113;
1652     public static final int ENETUNREACH = 114;
1653     public static final int ENETDOWN = 115;
1654     public static final int ETIMEDOUT = 116;
1655     public static final int EHOSTDOWN = 117;
1656     public static final int EHOSTUNREACH = 118;
1657     public static final int EINPROGRESS = 119;
1658     public static final int EALREADY = 120;
1659     public static final int EDESTADDRREQ = 121;
1660     public static final int EMSGSIZE = 122;
1661     public static final int EPROTONOSUPPORT = 123;
1662     public static final int ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 124;
1663     public static final int EADDRNOTAVAIL = 125;
1664     public static final int ENETRESET = 126;
1665     public static final int EISCONN = 127;
1666     public static final int ENOTCONN = 128;
1667     public static final int ETOOMANYREFS = 129;
1668     public static final int EPROCLIM = 130;
1669     public static final int EUSERS = 131;
1670     public static final int EDQUOT = 132;
1671     public static final int ESTALE = 133;
1672     public static final int ENOTSUP = 134;
1673     public static final int ENOMEDIUM = 135;
1674     public static final int ENOSHARE = 136;
1675     public static final int ECASECLASH = 137;
1676     public static final int EILSEQ = 138;
1677     public static final int EOVERFLOW = 139;
1678     public static final int __ELASTERROR = 2000;
1679 }
1680 interface Syscalls {
1681     public static final int SYS_null = 0;
1682     public static final int SYS_exit = 1;
1683     public static final int SYS_pause = 2;
1684     public static final int SYS_open = 3;
1685     public static final int SYS_close = 4;
1686     public static final int SYS_read = 5;
1687     public static final int SYS_write = 6;
1688     public static final int SYS_sbrk = 7;
1689     public static final int SYS_fstat = 8;
1690     public static final int SYS_isatty = 9;
1691     public static final int SYS_seek = 10;
1692     public static final int SYS_kill = 11;
1693     public static final int SYS_getpid = 12;
1694 }