2 package org.xwt.js;
4 import org.xwt.util.*;
5 import java.util.*;
6 import java.io.*;
9 class Interpreter implements ByteCodes, Tokens {
14 static Interpreter current() { return (Interpreter)threadToInterpreter.get(Thread.currentThread()); }
15 private static Hashtable threadToInterpreter = new Hashtable();
20 int pausecount;
21 JSFunction f = null;
22 JSScope scope;
23 Vec stack = new Vec();
24 int pc = 0;
26 Interpreter(JSFunction f, boolean pauseable, JSArray args) {
27 stack.push(new Interpreter.CallMarker(this));
28 this.f = f;
29 this.pausecount = pauseable ? 0 : -1;
30 this.scope = new JSScope(f.parentScope);
31 stack.push(args);
32 }
35 synchronized Object resume() throws JSExn {
36 Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
37 Interpreter old = (Interpreter)threadToInterpreter.get(t);
38 threadToInterpreter.put(t, this);
39 try {
40 return run();
41 } finally {
42 if (old == null) threadToInterpreter.remove(t);
43 else threadToInterpreter.put(t, old);
44 }
45 }
47 static int getLine() {
48 Interpreter c = Interpreter.current();
49 return c == null || c.f == null || c.pc < 0 || c.pc >= c.f.size ? -1 : c.f.line[c.pc];
50 }
52 static String getSourceName() {
53 Interpreter c = Interpreter.current();
54 return c == null || c.f == null ? null : c.f.sourceName;
55 }
57 private static JSExn je(String s) { return new JSExn(getSourceName() + ":" + getLine() + " " + s); }
60 private Object run() throws JSExn {
63 final int initialPauseCount = pausecount;
65 OUTER: for(;; pc++) {
66 try {
67 if (f == null) return stack.pop();
68 int op = f.op[pc];
69 Object arg = f.arg[pc];
70 if(op == FINALLY_DONE) {
71 FinallyData fd = (FinallyData) stack.pop();
72 if(fd == null) continue OUTER;
73 if(fd.exn != null) throw fd.exn;
74 op = fd.op;
75 arg = fd.arg;
76 }
77 switch(op) {
78 case LITERAL: stack.push(arg); break;
79 case OBJECT: stack.push(new JS()); break;
80 case ARRAY: stack.push(new JSArray(JS.toNumber(arg).intValue())); break;
81 case DECLARE: scope.declare((String)(arg==null ? stack.peek() : arg)); if(arg != null) stack.push(arg); break;
82 case TOPSCOPE: stack.push(scope); break;
83 case JT: if (JS.toBoolean(stack.pop())) pc += JS.toNumber(arg).intValue() - 1; break;
84 case JF: if (!JS.toBoolean(stack.pop())) pc += JS.toNumber(arg).intValue() - 1; break;
85 case JMP: pc += JS.toNumber(arg).intValue() - 1; break;
86 case POP: stack.pop(); break;
87 case SWAP: {
88 int depth = (arg == null ? 1 : JS.toInt(arg));
89 Object save = stack.elementAt(stack.size() - 1);
90 for(int i=stack.size() - 1; i > stack.size() - 1 - depth; i--)
91 stack.setElementAt(stack.elementAt(i-1), i);
92 stack.setElementAt(save, stack.size() - depth - 1);
93 break; }
94 case DUP: stack.push(stack.peek()); break;
95 case NEWSCOPE: scope = new JSScope(scope); break;
96 case OLDSCOPE: scope = scope.getParentScope(); break;
97 case ASSERT: if (!JS.toBoolean(stack.pop())) throw je("xwt.assertion.failed" ); break;
98 case BITNOT: stack.push(JS.N(~JS.toLong(stack.pop()))); break;
99 case BANG: stack.push(JS.B(!JS.toBoolean(stack.pop()))); break;
100 case NEWFUNCTION: stack.push(((JSFunction)arg)._cloneWithNewParentScope(scope)); break;
101 case LABEL: break;
103 case TYPEOF: {
104 Object o = stack.pop();
105 if (o == null) stack.push(null);
106 else if (o instanceof JS) stack.push("object");
107 else if (o instanceof String) stack.push("string");
108 else if (o instanceof Number) stack.push("number");
109 else if (o instanceof Boolean) stack.push("boolean");
110 else throw new Error("this should not happen");
111 break;
112 }
114 case PUSHKEYS: {
115 Object o = stack.peek();
116 Enumeration e = ((JS)o).keys();
117 JSArray a = new JSArray();
118 while(e.hasMoreElements()) a.addElement(e.nextElement());
119 stack.push(a);
120 break;
121 }
123 case LOOP:
124 stack.push(new LoopMarker(pc, pc > 0 && f.op[pc - 1] == LABEL ? (String)f.arg[pc - 1] : (String)null, scope));
125 stack.push(Boolean.TRUE);
126 break;
128 case BREAK:
129 case CONTINUE:
130 while(stack.size() > 0) {
131 Object o = stack.pop();
132 if (o instanceof CallMarker) je("break or continue not within a loop");
133 if (o instanceof TryMarker) {
134 if(((TryMarker)o).finallyLoc < 0) continue;
135 stack.push(new FinallyData(op, arg));
136 scope = ((TryMarker)o).scope;
137 pc = ((TryMarker)o).finallyLoc - 1;
138 continue OUTER;
139 }
140 if (o instanceof LoopMarker) {
141 if (arg == null || arg.equals(((LoopMarker)o).label)) {
142 int loopInstructionLocation = ((LoopMarker)o).location;
143 int endOfLoop = ((Integer)f.arg[loopInstructionLocation]).intValue() + loopInstructionLocation;
144 scope = ((LoopMarker)o).scope;
145 if (op == CONTINUE) { stack.push(o); stack.push(Boolean.FALSE); }
146 pc = op == BREAK ? endOfLoop - 1 : loopInstructionLocation;
147 continue OUTER;
148 }
149 }
150 }
151 throw new Error("CONTINUE/BREAK invoked but couldn't find LoopMarker at " +
152 getSourceName() + ":" + getLine());
154 case TRY: {
155 int[] jmps = (int[]) arg;
158 stack.push(new TryMarker(jmps[0] < 0 ? -1 : pc + jmps[0], jmps[1] < 0 ? -1 : pc + jmps[1], this));
159 break;
160 }
162 case RETURN: {
163 Object retval = stack.pop();
164 while(stack.size() > 0) {
165 Object o = stack.pop();
166 if (o instanceof TryMarker) {
167 if(((TryMarker)o).finallyLoc < 0) continue;
168 stack.push(retval);
169 stack.push(new FinallyData(RETURN));
170 scope = ((TryMarker)o).scope;
171 pc = ((TryMarker)o).finallyLoc - 1;
172 continue OUTER;
173 } else if (o instanceof CallMarker) {
174 if (scope instanceof Trap.TrapScope) {
175 Trap.TrapScope ts = (Trap.TrapScope)scope;
176 if (retval != null && retval instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean)retval).booleanValue())
177 ts.cascadeHappened = true;
178 if (!ts.cascadeHappened) {
179 ts.cascadeHappened = true;
180 Trap t = ts.t.next;
181 while (t != null && t.f.numFormalArgs == 0) t = t.next;
182 if (t == null) {
183 ((JS)ts.t.trapee).put(ts.t.name, ts.val);
184 if (pausecount > initialPauseCount) { pc++; return null; }
185 } else {
186 stack.push(o);
187 JSArray args = new JSArray();
188 args.addElement(ts.val);
189 stack.push(args);
190 f = t.f;
191 scope = new Trap.TrapScope(f.parentScope, t, ts.val);
192 pc = -1;
193 continue OUTER;
194 }
195 }
196 }
197 scope = ((CallMarker)o).scope;
198 pc = ((CallMarker)o).pc - 1;
199 f = (JSFunction)((CallMarker)o).f;
200 stack.push(retval);
201 continue OUTER;
202 }
203 }
204 throw new Error("error: RETURN invoked but couldn't find a CallMarker!");
205 }
207 case PUT: {
208 Object val = stack.pop();
209 Object key = stack.pop();
210 Object target = stack.peek();
211 if (target == null)
212 throw je("tried to put a value to the " + key + " property on the null value");
213 if (!(target instanceof JS))
214 throw je("tried to put a value to the " + key + " property on a " + target.getClass().getName());
215 if (key == null)
216 throw je("tried to assign \"" + (val==null?"(null)":val.toString()) + "\" to the null key");
218 Trap t = null;
219 if (target instanceof Trap.TrapScope && key.equals("cascade")) {
220 Trap.TrapScope ts = (Trap.TrapScope)target;
221 t = ts.t.next;
222 ts.cascadeHappened = true;
223 while (t != null && t.f.numFormalArgs == 0) t = t.next;
224 if (t == null) { target = ts.t.trapee; key = ts.t.name; }
226 } else if (target instanceof Trap.TrapScope && key.equals(((Trap.TrapScope)target).t.name)) {
227 throw je("tried to put to " + key + " inside a trap it owns; use cascade instead");
229 } else if (target instanceof JS) {
230 if (target instanceof JSScope) {
231 JSScope p = (JSScope)target;
232 t = p.getTrap(key);
233 while (t == null && p.getParentScope() != null) { p = p.getParentScope(); t = p.getTrap(key); }
234 } else {
235 t = ((JS)target).getTrap(key);
236 }
238 while (t != null && t.f.numFormalArgs == 0) t = t.next;
239 if (t != null) {
240 stack.push(new CallMarker(this));
241 JSArray args = new JSArray();
242 args.addElement(val);
243 stack.push(args);
244 }
245 }
246 if (t != null) {
247 f = t.f;
248 scope = new Trap.TrapScope(f.parentScope, t, val);
249 pc = -1;
250 break;
251 }
252 ((JS)target).put(key, val);
253 if (pausecount > initialPauseCount) { pc++; return null; }
254 stack.push(val);
255 break;
256 }
258 case GET:
259 case GET_PRESERVE: {
260 ObjectObject
261 if (op == GET) {
262 v = arg == null ? stack.pop() : arg;
263 o = stack.pop();
264 } else {
265 v = stack.pop();
266 o = stack.peek();
267 stack.push(v);
268 }
269 Object ret = null;
270 if (v == null) throw je("tried to get the null key from " + o);
271 if (o == null) throw je("tried to get property \"" + v + "\" from the null object");
272 if (o instanceof String || o instanceof Number || o instanceof Boolean) {
273 ret = getFromPrimitive(o,v);
274 stack.push(ret);
275 break;
276 } else if (o instanceof JS) {
277 Trap t = null;
278 if (o instanceof Trap.TrapScope && v.equals("cascade")) {
279 t = ((Trap.TrapScope)o).t.next;
280 while (t != null && t.f.numFormalArgs != 0) t = t.next;
281 if (t == null) { v = ((Trap.TrapScope)o).t.name; o = ((Trap.TrapScope)o).t.trapee; }
283 } else if (o instanceof JS) {
284 if (o instanceof JSScope) {
285 JSScope p = (JSScope)o;
286 t = p.getTrap(v);
287 while (t == null && p.getParentScope() != null) { p = p.getParentScope(); t = p.getTrap(v); }
288 } else {
289 t = ((JS)o).getTrap(v);
290 }
292 while (t != null && t.f.numFormalArgs != 0) t = t.next;
293 if (t != null) {
294 stack.push(new CallMarker(this));
295 JSArray args = new JSArray();
296 stack.push(args);
297 }
298 }
299 if (t != null) {
300 f = t.f;
301 scope = new Trap.TrapScope(f.parentScope, t, null);
302 ((Trap.TrapScope)scope).cascadeHappened = true;
303 pc = -1;
304 break;
305 }
306 ret = ((JS)o).get(v);
307 if (ret == JS.METHOD) ret = new Stub((JS)o, v);
308 if (pausecount > initialPauseCount) { pc++; return null; }
309 stack.push(ret);
310 break;
311 }
312 throw je("tried to get property " + v + " from a " + o.getClass().getName());
313 }
315 case CALL: case CALLMETHOD: {
316 int numArgs = JS.toInt(arg);
317 Object method = null;
318 Object ret = null;
319 Object object = stack.pop();
321 if (op == CALLMETHOD) {
322 if (object == JS.METHOD) {
323 method = stack.pop();
324 object = stack.pop();
325 } else if (object == null) {
326 Object name = stack.pop();
327 stack.pop();
328 throw new JSExn("function '"+name+"' not found");
329 } else {
330 stack.pop();
331 stack.pop();
332 }
333 }
334 Object[] rest = numArgs > 3 ? new Object[numArgs - 3] : null;
335 for(int i=numArgs - 1; i>2; i--) rest[i-3] = stack.pop();
336 Object a2 = numArgs <= 2 ? null : stack.pop();
337 Object a1 = numArgs <= 1 ? null : stack.pop();
338 Object a0 = numArgs <= 0 ? null : stack.pop();
340 if (object instanceof String || object instanceof Number || object instanceof Boolean) {
341 ret = callMethodOnPrimitive(object, method, a0, a1, a2, null, numArgs);
343 } else if (object instanceof JSFunction) {
345 JSArray arguments = new JSArray();
346 for(int i=0; i<numArgs; i++) arguments.addElement(i==0?a0:i==1?a1:i==2?a2:rest[i-3]);
347 stack.push(new CallMarker(this));
348 stack.push(arguments);
349 f = (JSFunction)object;
350 scope = new JSScope(f.parentScope);
351 pc = -1;
352 break;
354 } else if (object instanceof JS) {
355 JS c = (JS)object;
356 ret = method == null ? c.call(a0, a1, a2, rest, numArgs) : c.callMethod(method, a0, a1, a2, rest, numArgs);
358 } else {
359 throw new JSExn("can't call a " + object + " @" + pc + "\n" + f.dump());
361 }
362 if (pausecount > initialPauseCount) { pc++; return null; }
363 stack.push(ret);
364 break;
365 }
367 case THROW:
368 throw new JSExn(stack.pop());
370 case MAKE_GRAMMAR: {
371 final Grammar r = (Grammar)arg;
372 final JSScope final_scope = scope;
373 Grammar r2 = new Grammar() {
374 public int match(String s, int start, Hash v, JSScope scope) throws JSExn {
375 return r.match(s, start, v, final_scope);
376 }
377 public int matchAndWrite(String s, int start, Hash v, JSScope scope, String key) throws JSExn {
378 return r.matchAndWrite(s, start, v, final_scope, key);
379 }
380 public Object call(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object[] rest, int nargs) throws JSExn {
381 Hash v = new Hash();
382 r.matchAndWrite((String)a0, 0, v, final_scope, "foo");
383 return v.get("foo");
384 }
385 };
386 Object obj = stack.pop();
387 if (obj != null && obj instanceof Grammar) r2 = new Grammar.Alternative((Grammar)obj, r2);
388 stack.push(r2);
389 break;
390 }
392 case ASSIGN_SUB: case ASSIGN_ADD: {
393 Object val = stack.pop();
394 Object key = stack.pop();
395 Object obj = stack.peek();
396 if (val instanceof JSFunction && obj instanceof JS) {
398 JS js = obj instanceof JSScope ? ((JSScope)obj).top() : (JS) obj;
399 if(op == ASSIGN_ADD) js.addTrap(key, (JSFunction)val);
400 else js.delTrap(key, (JSFunction)val);
401 pc += ((Integer)arg).intValue() - 1;
402 } else {
405 stack.push(key);
406 stack.push(val);
407 stack.push(obj);
408 stack.push(key);
409 }
410 break;
411 }
413 case ADD: {
414 int count = ((Number)arg).intValue();
415 if(count < 2) throw new Error("this should never happen");
416 if(count == 2) {
418 Object right = stack.pop();
419 Object left = stack.pop();
420 if(left instanceof String || right instanceof String)
421 stack.push(JS.toString(left).concat(JS.toString(right)));
422 else stack.push(JS.N(JS.toDouble(left) + JS.toDouble(right)));
423 } else {
424 Object[] args = new Object[count];
425 while(--count >= 0) args[count] = stack.pop();
426 if(args[0] instanceof String) {
427 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(64);
428 for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++) sb.append(JS.toString(args[i]));
429 stack.push(sb.toString());
430 } else {
431 int numStrings = 0;
432 for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++) if(args[i] instanceof String) numStrings++;
433 if(numStrings == 0) {
434 double d = 0.0;
435 for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++) d += JS.toDouble(args[i]);
436 stack.push(JS.N(d));
437 } else {
438 int i=0;
439 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(64);
440 if(!(args[0] instanceof String || args[1] instanceof String)) {
441 double d=0.0;
442 do {
443 d += JS.toDouble(args[i++]);
444 } while(!(args[i] instanceof String));
445 sb.append(JS.toString(JS.N(d)));
446 }
447 while(i < args.length) sb.append(JS.toString(args[i++]));
448 stack.push(sb.toString());
449 }
450 }
451 }
452 break;
453 }
455 default: {
456 Object right = stack.pop();
457 Object left = stack.pop();
458 switch(op) {
460 case BITOR: stack.push(JS.N(JS.toLong(left) | JS.toLong(right))); break;
461 case BITXOR: stack.push(JS.N(JS.toLong(left) ^ JS.toLong(right))); break;
462 case BITAND: stack.push(JS.N(JS.toLong(left) & JS.toLong(right))); break;
464 case SUB: stack.push(JS.N(JS.toDouble(left) - JS.toDouble(right))); break;
465 case MUL: stack.push(JS.N(JS.toDouble(left) * JS.toDouble(right))); break;
466 case DIV: stack.push(JS.N(JS.toDouble(left) / JS.toDouble(right))); break;
467 case MOD: stack.push(JS.N(JS.toDouble(left) % JS.toDouble(right))); break;
469 case LSH: stack.push(JS.N(JS.toLong(left) << JS.toLong(right))); break;
470 case RSH: stack.push(JS.N(JS.toLong(left) >> JS.toLong(right))); break;
471 case URSH: stack.push(JS.N(JS.toLong(left) >>> JS.toLong(right))); break;
473 case LT: case LE: case GT: case GE: {
474 if (left == null) left = JS.N(0);
475 if (right == null) right = JS.N(0);
476 int result = 0;
477 if (left instanceof String || right instanceof String) {
478 result = left.toString().compareTo(right.toString());
479 } else {
480 result = (int)java.lang.Math.ceil(JS.toDouble(left) - JS.toDouble(right));
481 }
482 stack.push(JS.B((op == LT && result < 0) || (op == LE && result <= 0) ||
483 (op == GT && result > 0) || (op == GE && result >= 0)));
484 break;
485 }
487 case EQ:
488 case NE: {
489 Object l = left;
490 Object r = right;
491 boolean ret;
492 if (l == null) { Object tmp = r; r = l; l = tmp; }
493 if (l == null && r == null) ret = true;
494 else if (r == null) ret = false;
495 else if (l instanceof Boolean) ret = JS.B(JS.toBoolean(r)).equals(l);
496 else if (l instanceof Number) ret = JS.toNumber(r).doubleValue() == JS.toNumber(l).doubleValue();
497 else if (l instanceof String) ret = r != null && l.equals(r.toString());
498 else ret = l.equals(r);
499 stack.push(JS.B(op == EQ ? ret : !ret)); break;
500 }
502 default: throw new Error("unknown opcode " + op);
503 } }
504 }
506 } catch(JSExn e) {
507 if(f.op[pc] != FINALLY_DONE) e.addBacktrace(f.sourceName,f.line[pc]);
508 while(stack.size() > 0) {
509 Object o = stack.pop();
510 if (o instanceof CatchMarker || o instanceof TryMarker) {
511 boolean inCatch = o instanceof CatchMarker;
512 if(inCatch) {
513 o = stack.pop();
514 if(((TryMarker)o).finallyLoc < 0) continue;
515 }
516 if(!inCatch && ((TryMarker)o).catchLoc >= 0) {
518 stack.push(o);
519 stack.push(catchMarker);
520 stack.push(e.getObject());
521 f = ((TryMarker)o).f;
522 scope = ((TryMarker)o).scope;
523 pc = ((TryMarker)o).catchLoc - 1;
524 continue OUTER;
525 } else {
526 stack.push(new FinallyData(e));
527 f = ((TryMarker)o).f;
528 scope = ((TryMarker)o).scope;
529 pc = ((TryMarker)o).finallyLoc - 1;
530 continue OUTER;
531 }
532 } else if(o instanceof CallMarker) {
533 CallMarker cm = (CallMarker) o;
534 if(cm.f == null)
535 e.addBacktrace("<java>",0);
536 else
537 e.addBacktrace(cm.f.sourceName,cm.f.line[cm.pc-1]);
538 }
539 }
540 throw e;
541 }
542 }
543 }
549 public static class CallMarker {
550 int pc;
551 JSScope scope;
552 JSFunction f;
553 public CallMarker(Interpreter cx) { pc = cx.pc + 1; scope = cx.scope; f = cx.f; }
554 }
556 public static class CatchMarker { public CatchMarker() { } }
557 private static CatchMarker catchMarker = new CatchMarker();
559 public static class LoopMarker {
560 public int location;
561 public String label;
562 public JSScope scope;
563 public LoopMarker(int location, String label, JSScope scope) {
564 this.location = location;
565 this.label = label;
566 this.scope = scope;
567 }
568 }
569 public static class TryMarker {
570 public int catchLoc;
571 public int finallyLoc;
572 public JSScope scope;
573 public JSFunction f;
574 public TryMarker(int catchLoc, int finallyLoc, Interpreter cx) {
575 this.catchLoc = catchLoc;
576 this.finallyLoc = finallyLoc;
577 this.scope = cx.scope;
578 this.f = cx.f;
579 }
580 }
581 public static class FinallyData {
582 public int op;
583 public Object arg;
584 public JSExn exn;
585 public FinallyData(int op) { this(op,null); }
586 public FinallyData(int op, Object arg) { this.op = op; this.arg = arg; }
587 public FinallyData(JSExn exn) { this.exn = exn; }
588 }
593 static Object callMethodOnPrimitive(Object o, Object method, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object[] rest, int alength) throws JSExn {
594 if (method == null || !(method instanceof String) || "".equals(method))
595 throw new JSExn("attempt to call a non-existant method on a primitive");
597 if (o instanceof Number) {
599 case "toFixed": throw new JSExn("toFixed() not implemented");
600 case "toExponential": throw new JSExn("toExponential() not implemented");
601 case "toPrecision": throw new JSExn("toPrecision() not implemented");
602 case "toString": {
603 int radix = alength >= 1 ? JS.toInt(arg0) : 10;
604 return Long.toString(((Number)o).longValue(),radix);
605 }
606 //#end
607 } else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
608 // No methods for Booleans
609 throw new JSExn("attempt to call a method on a Boolean");
610 }
612 String s = JS.toString(o);
613 int slength = s.length();
614 //#switch(method)
615 case "substring": {
616 int a = alength >= 1 ? JS.toInt(arg0) : 0;
617 int b = alength >= 2 ? JS.toInt(arg1) : slength;
618 if (a > slength) a = slength;
619 if (b > slength) b = slength;
620 if (a < 0) a = 0;
621 if (b < 0) b = 0;
622 if (a > b) { int tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; }
623 return s.substring(a,b);
624 }
625 case "substr": {
626 int start = alength >= 1 ? JS.toInt(arg0) : 0;
627 int len = alength >= 2 ? JS.toInt(arg1) : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
628 if (start < 0) start = slength + start;
629 if (start < 0) start = 0;
630 if (len < 0) len = 0;
631 if (len > slength - start) len = slength - start;
632 if (len <= 0) return "";
633 return s.substring(start,start+len);
634 }
635 case "charAt": {
636 int p = alength >= 1 ? JS.toInt(arg0) : 0;
637 if (p < 0 || p >= slength) return "";
638 return s.substring(p,p+1);
639 }
640 case "charCodeAt": {
641 int p = alength >= 1 ? JS.toInt(arg0) : 0;
642 if (p < 0 || p >= slength) return JS.N(Double.NaN);
643 return JS.N(s.charAt(p));
644 }
645 case "concat": {
646 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(slength*2).append(s);
647 for(int i=0;i<alength;i++) sb.append(i==0?arg0:i==1?arg1:i==2?arg2:rest[i-3]);
648 return sb.toString();
649 }
650 case "indexOf": {
651 String search = alength >= 1 ? arg0.toString() : "null";
652 int start = alength >= 2 ? JS.toInt(arg1) : 0;
653 // Java's indexOf handles an out of bounds start index, it'll return -1
654 return JS.N(s.indexOf(search,start));
655 }
656 case "lastIndexOf": {
657 String search = alength >= 1 ? arg0.toString() : "null";
658 int start = alength >= 2 ? JS.toInt(arg1) : 0;
659 // Java's indexOf handles an out of bounds start index, it'll return -1
660 return JS.N(s.lastIndexOf(search,start));
661 }
662 case "match": return JSRegexp.stringMatch(s,arg0);
663 case "replace": return JSRegexp.stringReplace(s,arg0,arg1);
664 case "search": return JSRegexp.stringSearch(s,arg0);
665 case "split": return JSRegexp.stringSplit(s,arg0,arg1,alength);
666 case "toLowerCase": return s.toLowerCase();
667 case "toUpperCase": return s.toUpperCase();
668 case "toString": return s;
669 case "slice": {
670 int a = alength >= 1 ? JS.toInt(arg0) : 0;
671 int b = alength >= 2 ? JS.toInt(arg1) : slength;
672 if (a < 0) a = slength + a;
673 if (b < 0) b = slength + b;
674 if (a < 0) a = 0;
675 if (b < 0) b = 0;
676 if (a > slength) a = slength;
677 if (b > slength) b = slength;
678 if (a > b) return "";
679 return s.substring(a,b);
680 }
681 //#end
682 throw new JSExn("Attempted to call non-existent method: " + method);
683 }
685 static Object getFromPrimitive(Object o, Object key) throws JSExn {
686 boolean returnJS = false;
687 if (o instanceof Boolean) {
688 throw new JSExn("cannot call methods on Booleans");
689 } else if (o instanceof Number) {
690 if (key.equals("toPrecision") || key.equals("toExponential") || key.equals("toFixed"))
691 returnJS = true;
692 }
693 if (!returnJS) {
694 // the string stuff applies to everything
695 String s = o.toString();
697 // this is sort of ugly, but this list should never change
698 // These should provide a complete (enough) implementation of the ECMA-262 String object
700 //#switch(key)
701 case "length": return JS.N(s.length());
702 case "substring": returnJS = true; break;
703 case "charAt": returnJS = true; break;
704 case "charCodeAt": returnJS = true; break;
705 case "concat": returnJS = true; break;
706 case "indexOf": returnJS = true; break;
707 case "lastIndexOf": returnJS = true; break;
708 case "match": returnJS = true; break;
709 case "replace": returnJS = true; break;
710 case "seatch": returnJS = true; break;
711 case "slice": returnJS = true; break;
712 case "split": returnJS = true; break;
713 case "toLowerCase": returnJS = true; break;
714 case "toUpperCase": returnJS = true; break;
715 case "toString": returnJS = true; break;
716 case "substr": returnJS = true; break;
717 //#end
718 }
719 if (returnJS) {
720 final Object target = o;
721 final String method = key.toString();
722 return new JS() {
723 public Object call(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object[] rest, int nargs) throws JSExn {
724 if (nargs > 2) throw new JSExn("cannot call that method with that many arguments");
725 return callMethodOnPrimitive(target, method, a0, a1, a2, rest, nargs);
726 }
727 };
728 }
729 return null;
730 }
732 private static class Stub extends JS {
733 private Object method;
734 JS obj;
735 public Stub(JS obj, Object method) { this.obj = obj; this.method = method; }
736 public Object call(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object[] rest, int nargs) throws JSExn {
737 return ((JS)obj).callMethod(method, a0, a1, a2, rest, nargs);
738 }
739 }
740 }