1    // Copyright 2004 Adam Megacz, see the COPYING file for licensing [LGPL]
2    // Author: Brian Alliet
4    package org.xwt.plat;
5    import org.xwt.*;
6    import org.xwt.js.*;
7    import org.xwt.util.*;
9    abstract class OpenGL {
10       static final boolean pretendToBeACrappyVideoCard = false;
11       boolean rectangularTextures;
12       boolean hasRectangularTextures() { return rectangularTextures; }
13       int maxTexSize;
14       int maxRectTexSize;
15       float glVersion;
16       String version;
17       String renderer;
18       String vendor;
20       private native void natInit();
22       private static float parseVersion(String s) {
23           int end = s.indexOf(' ');
24           if(end < 0) end = s.length();
25           try {
26               return Float.parseFloat(s.substring(0,end));
27           } catch(NumberFormatException e) {
28               return 1.1f; // just a guess
29           }
30       }
32       // This MUST be called after OpenGL is instansiated (and activateSharedContext is functioning)
33       public void init() throws NotSupportedException {
34           natInit();
35           glVersion = parseVersion(version);
36           if(glVersion < 1.1) throw new NotSupportedException("OpenGL 1.1 or greater is required. (you have: " + version +" - " + glVersion + ")");
37           if(pretendToBeACrappyVideoCard) {
38               maxTexSize = 512;
39               maxRectTexSize = 0;
40               rectangularTextures = false;
41           }
42           Log.diag(this,"Renderer: " + renderer);
43           Log.diag(this,"Version: " + version);
44           Log.diag(this,"Vendor: " + vendor);
45           Log.diag(this,"Rectangular textures: " + (rectangularTextures ? "supported" : "unsupported"));
46           Log.diag(this,"Max texture size: " + maxTexSize);
47           Log.diag(this,"Max rectangular texture size: " + maxRectTexSize);
48       }
50       protected abstract void activateSharedContext();
52       public static class NotSupportedException extends Exception {
53           public NotSupportedException(String s) { super(s); }
54       }
56       public static abstract class GLPixelBuffer extends PixelBuffer {
57           protected int width;
58           protected int height;
59           public int getWidth() { return width; }
60           public int getHeight() { return height; }
62           private boolean glScissorEnabled = false;
64           public GLPixelBuffer(int width, int height) {
65               this.width = width;
66               this.height = height;
67           }
69           // This should activate the drawing context and prepare the double buffer for drawing
70           protected abstract void activateContext();
72           protected static native void drawableInit(int w, int h);
74           private static native void setColor(int color);
76           public native void setClip(int x, int y, int x2, int y2);
77           public native void resetClip();
78           public native void fillTrapezoid(int x1, int x2, int y1, int x3, int x4, int y2, int color);
80           public void drawString(String font, String text, int x, int y, int color) {
81               //System.out.println("drawString(): " + text);
82           }
84           public void drawGlyph(org.xwt.Font.Glyph source, int dx, int dy, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2, int rgb) {
85               drawPicture_(((org.xwt.Platform.DefaultGlyph)source).getPicture(), dx, dy, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, rgb);
86           }
87           public void drawPicture(Picture source, int dx, int dy, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2) {
88               drawPicture_(source, dx, dy, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, 0xffffffff);
89           }
91           private void drawPicture_(Picture source, int dx, int dy, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2, int color) {
92               activateContext();
93               setColor(color);
94               GLPicture p = getInnerPicture(source, gl);
95               p.draw(dx,dy,cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2);
96           }
97       }
99       // FIXME ugly
100      public static OpenGL gl = null;
101      public OpenGL() { gl = this; }
103      public final static int roundToPowerOf2(int n) {
104          if(((n-1)&n)==0) return n;
105          for(int x=2;x!=0;x<<=1) if(n < x) return x;
106          return 0;
107      }
109      private static GLPicture getInnerPicture(Picture p, OpenGL gl) {
110          OpenGLPicture oglp = (OpenGLPicture)p;
111          if (!oglp.isLoaded || oglp.realPicture != null) return oglp.realPicture;
112          if (gl.rectangularTextures && p.width <= gl.maxRectTexSize && p.height <= gl.maxRectTexSize) 
113              oglp.realPicture = new RectGLPicture(p.data,p.width,p.height,oglp.alphaOnly,gl);
114          else if (p.width <= gl.maxTexSize && p.height <= gl.maxTexSize)
115              oglp.realPicture = new SquareGLPicture(p.data,p.width,p.height,oglp.alphaOnly,gl);
116          else
117              oglp.realPicture = new MosaicGLPicture(p.data,p.width,p.height,oglp.alphaOnly,gl);
118          p.data = null;
119          return oglp.realPicture;
120      }
122      public Picture _createPicture(JS r, boolean alphaOnly) { return new OpenGLPicture(r, false); }
124      public static class OpenGLPicture extends Picture {
125          public OpenGLPicture(JS r, boolean a) { super(r); alphaOnly = a; }
126          boolean alphaOnly;
127          GLPicture realPicture = null;
128      }
130      public Font.Glyph _createGlyph(org.xwt.Font f, char c) { return new org.xwt.Platform.DefaultGlyph(f, c); }
132      private native void natDeleteTexture(int tex);
133      public void deleteTexture(final int tex) {
134          // CHECKME: Is this safe to do from finalize()?
135          // natDeleteTexture MUST be run from the message queue thread
136          Scheduler.add(new Scheduler.Task() { public void perform() { natDeleteTexture(tex); }});
137      }
139      private static abstract class GLPicture {
140          protected int width;
141          protected int height;
143          public final int getWidth() { return width; }
144          public final int getHeight() { return height; }
146          public GLPicture(int w, int h) {
147              this.width = w;
148              this.height = h;
149          }
151          public abstract void draw(int dx, int dy, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2);
152          protected abstract void finalize();
153      }
155      private static class RectGLPicture extends GLPicture {
156          private OpenGL gl;
157          public int textureName;
159          public native void natInit(Object data, boolean alphaOnly);
161          public RectGLPicture(Object data,int w, int h, boolean alphaOnly, OpenGL gl) {
162              super(w,h);
163              this.gl = gl;
164              natInit(data,alphaOnly);
165          }
167          public native void draw(int dx, int dy, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2);  
168          protected void finalize() { gl.deleteTexture(textureName); }
169      }
171      private static class SquareGLPicture extends GLPicture {
172          private int texHeight;
173          private int texWidth;
174          private OpenGL gl;
175          public int textureName;
177          public native void natInit(Object data, boolean alphaOnly);
179          public SquareGLPicture(Object data,int w, int h, boolean alphaOnly, OpenGL gl) {
180              super(w,h);
181              this.gl = gl;
182              if(w > 0x7fffffff || h > 0x7fffffff) throw new Error("insane texture size: " + w + "x" + h);
183              texHeight = roundToPowerOf2(h);
184              texWidth = roundToPowerOf2(w);
185              natInit(data,alphaOnly);
186          }
188          public native void draw(int dx, int dy, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2);  
189          protected void finalize() { gl.deleteTexture(textureName); }
190      }
192      private static class MosaicGLPicture extends GLPicture {
193          private static final int overlap = 8;
195          int psize;
196          GLPicture[][] pics;
198          private static float wastedSpace(int w,int h,int size) {
199              int w2 = size * ((w+size-1)/size);
200              int h2 = size * ((h+size-1)/size);
201              return 1.0f-(float)(w*h)/(float)(w2*h2);
202          }
204          private static Object subData(Object data, int x, int y, int w, int h, int rowSize) {
205              if(data instanceof byte[]) return subData((byte[])data,x,y,w,h,rowSize);
206              if(data instanceof int[]) return subData((int[])data,x,y,w,h,rowSize);
207              throw new Error("not reached");
208          }
210          private static int[] subData(int[] data, int x, int y, int w, int h, int rowSize) {
211              int[] sub = new int[w*h];
212              int row = y;
213              for(int i=0;i<h;i++,row++)
214                  for(int j=0;j<w;j++)
215                      sub[i*w+j] = data[row*rowSize+j+x];
216              return sub;
217          }
219          private static byte[] subData(byte[] data, int x, int y, int w, int h, int rowSize) {
220              byte[] sub = new byte[w*h];
221              int row = y;
222              for(int i=0;i<h;i++,row++)
223                  for(int j=0;j<w;j++)
224                      sub[i*w+j] = data[row*rowSize+j+x];
225              return sub;
226          }
228          public MosaicGLPicture(Object data,int w, int h, boolean alphaOnly, OpenGL gl) {
229              super(w,h);
230              psize = gl.maxTexSize;
231              while(wastedSpace(w,h,psize) > 0.40) psize/=2;
232              Log.info(this,"Using psize: " + psize + " for " + w + "x" + h + " image (wasted space: " + wastedSpace(w,h,psize));
234              int rows = (h+psize-1)/psize;
235              int cols = (w+psize-1)/psize;
236              intintp,tmp2;
238              pics = new GLPicture[rows][cols];
239              for(int i=0;i<rows-1;i++)
240                  for(int j=0;j<cols-1;j++)
241                      pics[i][j] = new SquareGLPicture(subData(data,j*psize,i*psize,psize,psize,w),psize,psize,alphaOnly,gl);
242              tmp = (rows-1)*psize;
243              for(int i=0;i<cols-1;i++)
244                  pics[rows-1][i] = new SquareGLPicture(subData(data,i*psize,tmp,psize,h-tmp,w),psize,h-tmp,alphaOnly,gl);
245              tmp2 = (cols-1)*psize;
246              for(int i=0;i<rows-1;i++)
247                  pics[i][cols-1] = new SquareGLPicture(subData(data,tmp2,i*psize,w-tmp2,psize,w),w-tmp2,psize,alphaOnly,gl);
248              pics[rows-1][cols-1] = new SquareGLPicture(subData(data,tmp2,tmp,w-tmp2,h-tmp,w),w-tmp2,h-tmp,alphaOnly,gl);
249          }
250          protected void finalize() {  }
252          private static final int max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
253          private static final int min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
255          public void draw(int dx, int dy, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2) {
256              int totalWidth = width;
257              int totalHeight = height;
258              // *{x,y}{1,2} key: d=dest s=src, p=bounds of this picture, i=intersection of s and p, pd = dest of this pic
259              for(int i=0;i<pics.length;i++) {
260                  for(int j=0;j<pics[i].length;j++) {
261                      int px1 = j*psize + dx;
262                      int py1 = i*psize + dy;
263                      pics[i][j].draw(px1, py1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2);
264                  }
265              }
266          }
267      }
268  }